Esbenson, Lyn Gardner2016-12-162016-12-162015-12-07Lyn Gardner Esbenson, OH 483. Oral history interview by Thomas J. Misa, 7 December 2015. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.OH 483, 24 pp.Lyn Esbenson describes her career in computing which began in 1959, shortly after her graduation from Colorado College, when she went to work in Pennsylvania for PPG Industries programming a UNIVAC I. Two years later she returned to Colorado and helped develop a magazine fulfillment and addressing system for Esquire Magazine, subsequently reorganized as NeoData and eventually purchased by EDS. Programming and project management are key topics of her career. This material is based on work funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation award B2014-07 “Tripling Women’s Participation in Computing (1965-1985).”enComputer historyWomen's historyGenderPPG Industries, Inc.Univac computerRemington Rand, Inc. -- Univac DivisionEsquire (Magazine)NeoData (Company)Electronic Data Systems (EDS)Women’s movementAlfred P. Sloan FoundationOral history interview with Lyn Gardner EsbensonOral History