Gruba, Stephanie2019-08-302019-08-302018 completed by Stephanie Gruba, in LAW 7606: Independent Law Research, taught by Professor Alexandra Klass in Fall 2018.This project was completed as part of a year-long partnership between Scott County and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( The goal of this project was to examine legal requirements for just compensation in Minnesota and the precedent established in other states regarding eminent domain settlements for highway projects. Scott County project lead Lisa Freese collaborated with Stephanie Gruba as part of an independent research project, LAW 7606, with guidance from Professor Alexandra Klass. The project analyzed the legal ramifications of the Kelo v. City of New London decision in Minnesota, offers insight on just compensation, and analyzes case law to identify legally compensable partial takings in Minnesota. A final student report is available.enScott County Projects, 2018-2019sustainabilitylocal governmentEvaluating Eminent Domain Settlements for Highway ProjectsReport