Xie, FengLevinson, David M2016-05-112016-05-112006Xie, Feng and David Levinson (2006) Review of Streets and Patterns by Stephen Marshall. In Transport Reviews 26(2) pp. 253-255.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/180156Streets and Patterns. By Stephen Marshall. (London and New York: Spon Press, 2005). [Pp. 312.] $ 69.95. ISBN 0415317509. Stephen Marshall’s Streets and Patterns covers ten years of research into the inter- relationship between transport, streets, and urban patterns, which has been the focus of multiple professions including urban planning, architecture, geography, and transport engineering. This book aims to explore how to reconcile the motor traffic with a neo- traditional system of urban design, emphasizing on streets and their patterns.enReview of Streets and Patterns by Stephen MarshallArticle