Gentry, Grace2011-06-132011-06-132008-08-11Grace Gentry, OH 397. Oral history interview by Jeffrey R. Yost, 11 August 2008, Kensington, CA. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 397, 83 pp.IT contracting pioneer Grace Gentry briefly discusses her education and early career prior to co-founding Richard E. Gentry, Inc., (later Gentry, Inc.) with her husband, and running this company for more than two decades. This firm was among the first IT services brokerages and was one of the founding members of that industry’s trade association, the National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses (NACCB). Grace Gentry served as president of the NACCB and was active in the organization for many years. Primary topics and themes of the interview include: forming the company, early growth, marketing/selling, managerial strategies, industry dynamics, impact and changes with Section 1706 of the federal tax code, NACCB, business ethics, women-owned businesses, gender and entrepreneurship, and the sale of Gentry, Inc.en-USComputer historyGentry, IncorporatedNational Association of Computer Consultant BusinessesWomen in computer scienceWomen's historyGenderOral history interview with Grace GentryOral History