Lusardi, B.A.2017-12-142017-12-142017 project and associated GIS files, readme explanatory pdf, and example attribute summary for creating a Minnesota surficial geology map based on available texture information. This map was created in support of Mn. Dept. of Natural resources efforts to define pollution sensitivity of near-surface geologic materials (MN Hydrogeology Atlas [MHA, HG-02].Map showing predicted sediment texture for surficial geology polygons in the Minnesota Geological Survey 1:100,000 geological mapping database. Updated relative to the original published maps using information to support texture identification as categorized by US Department of Agriculture terminology. Information derived from 38 previously published maps, including county geologic atlas and regional hydrogeologic assessment surficial geology plates, as well as maps published by MGS as miscellaneous maps and open file maps. Where county or quadrangle-scale mapping is unavailable, the database is based on 1:500,000 mapping (Hobbs and Goebel, 1982).enQuaternarytexturelithostratigraphyMinnesotaglacialsurficial geologyOFR-17-01, Minnesota Geological Survey 1:100,000 surficial geologic texture databaseMap