Song, Charles C. S.Zheng, Yifan2011-07-062011-07-061989-10 May, 1989, under the agreement between the Seelye Stevenson Valve and Knecht of New York and the University of Minnesota, the St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory of the University conducted transient modeling of the West Side Sewer System of the Rochester Pure Water District of Monroe County, New York. Three cases representing three stages of construction were modeled. The first case includes the segments of the Lake Avenue Tunnel, the Dewey-Eastman Tunnel, and the Tiger-Carlisle Tunnel, with a temporary bulkhead in the Lake Avenue Tunnel near Structure No. 41. The second case represents the system that exists today, which includes the segments of the Saxton-Colvin Tunnel, Lyell Avenue Tunnel and the Lake Avenue Tunnel. The third case refers to the completed West Side System. The fully dynamic transient mixed flow numerical model developed at the University of Minnesota was used for this study. This model has been applied to several case studies. Good comparison between numerically simulated transient process and field data has been reported. In addition to sewer back~up and combined sewer overflow, the column consolidation of surge fronts which may occur in the whole West Side System and create large pressure has been examined. Also, a set of safety criteria were used to test whether or not a, geyser process will occur. The proposed West Side System was analyzed in 1982 according to the design hydrographs given at the time. The present analysis has been carried out with the 1989 revised inflow hydrographs. Because the inflow hydrographs have been revised upward, both the column consolidation and geyser problems have been noted this time. Workable solutions to the hydraulic transient problems are recommended.en-USNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Transient West Side System, Rochester, New YorkReport