U of M Extension Center for Community VitalityCallevig, Christy2020-11-122020-11-122020-06-12https://hdl.handle.net/11299/217086Runtime (21:09). Note: Our Vital Connections On Air episodes are audio-based interviews. Written transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Please check the corresponding audio before referencing content in print.Our world is constantly changing; now more than ever before.  Community leaders are being forced to not only navigate their own responses to change but also identify strategies to help those around them.  Jody Horntvedt and Toby Spanier reflect on the assumptions and stages of change and also discuss strategies for leaders to help themselves and their communities. In this special series we are looking back on webinars and articles shared early during the pandemic and how that information needs to shift for our current reality.enSpecial Episode 02: Navigating Change (Vital Connections On Air)Audio