Kuhlke, OlafHolbrook, BethPust, Joshua2021-03-182021-03-182005D2005-1https://hdl.handle.net/11299/219116Reports on a mapping project directed at providing the Independent School District 709 of Duluth, Minnesota, with accurate maps depicting demographic trends in school attendance areas, as well as census blocks and tracks. It was conceptualized as a comprehensive planning tool for the school district, the school board, community members, and concerned parents, and provides information about demographic trends from the year 2000 to 2014. The demographic analysis was centered on mapping the number of children between the ages of 5 and 17 for each census block, track, and school attendance area in Duluth. In addition, it provides data about the current population over the age of 60, and thus enables planners to detect areas with the highest upcoming turnover in the future housing market.Center for Community and Regional Research (CCRR)University of Minnesota DuluthdemographicsDuluthenrollmentplanningschoolsUS CensusMapping Demographic Trends for School Enrollment Projection in the Independent School District 709 (Duluth, MN).Center for Community and Regional Research ReportReport