Aune, AlisonReitan, CherylUniversity of Minnesota Duluth. Royal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International Studies2022-10-242022-10-242022 by Dr. Alison Aune, Professor, UMD Department of Art & Design, Area Chair of Art Education/Museum Education and Cheryl Reitan, Associate Director, UMD University Marketing and Public Relations; Wednesday, October 12, 2022; 12:00 PM; Library Rotundaen-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthLecturesRoyal D. Alworth, Jr. Institute for International StudiesMartha B. Alworth International Brown BagDepartment of Art and DesignUniversity Marketing and Public RelationsNordic Art and Design: Hans Christian Andersen, LEGO, IKEA, Carl and Karin Larsson, Sustainable Design and More! (2022-10-12)Other