Rosenberg, Jeff2019-06-242019-06-242007 Johnson Street business district in the Audubon Park neighborhood of Minneapolis is a thriving, neighborhood-scale commercial node. In the next several years, it is poised to see the development of a number of new businesses, most notably the revitalization of the Hollywood Theater. With those new developments will come a large increase in the demand for parking. In anticipation of the new development, this study was commissioned by the Audubon Neighborhood Association. It aims to understand the parking situation for the business district and its impact on the surrounding residential streets. To this end, the study inventories existing parking supply; records current parking usage along Johnson Street and in the neighborhood immediately surrounding the business district; determines whether demand for parking currently outstrips supply and if excess commercial parking spills onto residential streets; and forecasts changes to the above once new businesses open.enAudubon Park NeighborhoodCommercial CorridorsCommunity DevelopmentLand UseMinneapolisNeighborhood Planning for Community Revitalization (NPCR)ParkingRedevelopmentTrafficJohnson Street Business District Parking StudyReport