Reisbick, Spencer AZhang, YichaoChen, JialiangEngen, Paige EFlannigan, David J2021-07-222021-07-222021-07-22 top level folders are Bright field (BF) and diffraction (DP) UEM experimental image sequences. Each folder contains images in .dm format and .tif format with a .ulg File which provides sequencing information. There are a couple home-built movies as well (.avi). The FFTMapStuff folder in Run_2_BF > Scan_1 is FFT maps of the dataset. The .m files are the raw matrices that compose the FFT spectra. These are 3d, where dimension 1 and 2 are pixel locations from the original data and dimension 3 is the frequency domain. Each photo (.jpg and .fig) in the folder is a snapshot from the matrix. All .csv files are template matching alignment files used to orient the images onto one another before analysis.This dataset includes 4D ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM) data and ultrafast selected-area electron diffraction (U-SAED) data supporting the paper "Coherent Phonon Disruption and Lock-In during a Photoinduced Charge-Density-Wave Phase Transition" J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2021, 12 (27). 1.0 Universal supporting Coherent Phonon Disruption and Lock-In during a Photoinduced Charge-Density-Wave Phase TransitionDataset