Arendale, David R.Poch, Robert2018-10-012018-10-012008Arendale, D. R., & Poch, R. (2008). Using Universal Instructional Design for administrative leadership, planning, and evaluation. In J. I. Higbee & E. Goff (Eds.), Pedagogy and student services for institutional transformation: Implementing Universal Design in higher education (pp. 419-436). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, College of Education and Human Development. Available online: ERIC database. (ED503835). Instructional Design (UID), Universal Design for Instruction (UDI), and Universal Design (UD) provide a practical model. to guide more inclusive learning practices within student affairs and also to serve as a useful evaluation measure for student outcomes. This chapter extends the utility of these approaches for a variety of settings within student affair units, addresses dynamics of change, identifies institutional and community assets that can support sustained change, presents a planning and assessment tool, offers several real-world scenarios for within student affairs, and concludes with several case studies of change at the institutional and state level.enacademic accesscollege studentshigher and postsecondary educationuniversal design for learning (UDL)program managementprogram evaluationstrategic planningUsing Universal Instructional Design for administrative leadership, planning, and evaluationBook chapter