Ramkumar, Aravind AlagiriSindhu, RohitWeissman, Jon2020-09-022020-09-022020-01-03http://hdl.handle.net/11299/216043Data explosion has been exponential in the last decade. A new and major addition to this phenomenon is the Internet of Things (IoT). With the technology becoming cheap and affordable, there has been a boom in the number of smart devices which generates huge amounts of data. All of these devices may have varying connectivity and are made of diparte designs. IoT is one platform which can help us make use of this huge amount of data being generated by thesis heterogeneous devices. Since, these devices are very different in design and architecture, we propose a system which provides a unified view to this heterogeneous world. We propose a dynamic P2P and edge based system named Constellation. This work presents the work pertaining to creating this network, the inherent dynamism involved in such a system and ways to utilize the system to provide useful analysis by executing global and local tasks.enConstellation Plan B ReportReport