Morris, Nichole L.Schwieters, Katelyn R.Craig, Curtis M.2020-11-302020-11-302020-09 report includes research activities that focused on the MNCrash interface design and training. A series of usability tests was conducted on the existing MNCrash interface system to document errors, frustrations, or confusion points that could be improved through iterative design and training. Usability testing with MNCrash users revealed that the majority of problems were related to detail and efficiency. Next, design recommendations were developed based on a set of criteria to reduce error and user frustration and to improve efficiency and user satisfaction. The outcome resulted in the implementation of several design change recommendations with a focus on addressing more accurate and complete data. To follow, a decision aid prototype was developed to determine if there were measurable effects of increasing accuracy of injury severity reporting for law enforcement participants. The prototype received high-level support, produced good usability, and increased accuracy in injury severity reporting. Finally, to complement the interface design recommendations, a training was developed to address knowledge gaps and improve accuracy in crash data reporting for law enforcement officers. The training was created on Rise360, an e-learning platform. Several iterations and user testing with law enforcement participants and crash reporting experts resulted in a final training design that consisted of an introductory module, eight core modules, eight quizzes, and a concluding module. The training produced good usability and user satisfaction recommended for implementation.enCrash reportsHuman factorsIterative methodsTrainingInjury severityUser interfacesHumanFIRST LaboratoryMinnesota MNCrash Design and Training Research DevelopmentReport