Kelly, Samuel M2023-01-272023-01-272023-01-27 archive contains processed vertical profiles of turbulence and temperature collected from the R/V Blue Heron during cruises in 2017, 2018, and 2019. The collection methods are described in "RSI Technical Note 049: Tow-yoing with the VMP-250-IR" ( The VMP-250 had 2 shear probes along with temperature, salinity, pressure, turbidity, and fluorometer sensors. The data were converted from raw voltages to meaningful quantities using Rockland Scientific's ODAS library version 4.4.09. The only modifications to the Rockland software are (1) using the freshwater equations of state and (2) computing mass diffusivity via Osborne 1980. The processed data is saved as Matlab binary files. The RBR fastDuet had a temperature and pressure sensor. Data in the native RBR format and saved as Matlab binaries files. All data is time-stamped in UTC. The locations of each profile can be determined from R/V Blue Heron GPS data available through the Rolling deck 2 Repository (R2R; When analysis of this data is published, post processing scripts will be archived.The Near Inertial Coastal Experiment (NICE) observed the physical properties of western Lake Superior from 2016-2020. The aim was to observe near-inertial internal waves and vertical mixing due to turbulence. Using the R/V Blue Heron as an observing platform during the summers of 2017, 2018, and 2019, a Rockland Scientific VMP-250 recorded 5,813 profiles of temperature, salinity, fluorescence, turbidity, and the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate, and an RBR fastDuet recorded 3,974 profiles of temperature. These profiles are archived here. Additional underway data from the R/V Blue Heron is available at the Rolling deck 2 Repository (R2R; Moored data from the NICE experiment was documented by Austin and Elmer (2022).CC0 1.0 UniversalLake SuperiorTurbulenceTemperatureMicrostructureShipboard turbulence and temperature profiles from the Near Inertial Coastal Experiment (NICE), 2017-2019Dataset