He, Lewei2015-09-232015-09-232015https://hdl.handle.net/11299/174473This map is inspired by the 2013 subsidized housing unit density dataset published on MetroGIS datafinder catalog. It improves upon the spatial resolution of the original dataset, which aggregates raw count data by census track enumeration unit, by aggregating normalized density data (# of subsidized rental unit / total # of rental unit) at the census block group level. And with the availability of individual addresses of properties that contain subsidized rental units, the density value distribution is further restricted to individual land use parcels at a sub-census-block-group spatial level. This map is intended to be used as a full-page colored insert map for any research paper/report/book chapter that include a discussion on publicly subsidized rental housing in the Minneapolis - St. Paul area. It is a way to spatially visualize the original statistical data, and a separate data table that shows the names, addresses, and the number of subsidized unit contained for every properties that have subsidized rental units can accompany this map to provide more precise statistical information.Choropleth map showing the density of publicly-funded subsidized rental housing units in twin cities metro area (not including participants of section 8).Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesmapArcGIScartographyuspatial mapping prizerental housingsubsidized rental housingtwin cities housingMap of Subsidized Rental Housing Unit Density in Minneapolis - St. Paul Metropolitan AreaMap