Shanovich, Hailey NLisak, Sarah CLindsey, Amelia R IAukema, Brian H2023-02-012023-02-012023-02-01 period in the csv files is a placeholder for the statistical analysis. This is recognized in R. Polydrusus_sampling_data.csv: 1. Site: the field site that the data was collected at. RSMT = the University of Minnesota UMore Park in Rosemount, MN and SpC = the University of Minnesota agricultural research station on the “Saint Paul campus” 2. Year: The year of data collection 3. Date: the date of data collection 4. Genotype: the genotype of each hybrid hazelnut plant sampled for Polydrusus weevils 5. Plant: The location of each plant in the field used as a unique identifier in order to use as a random effect in analyses due to repeated sampling of each plant throughout each season and years 6. the ordinal date of each data collection date within each year 7. Spp.: The species of nonindigenous Polydrusus weevils. Impressifrons = Polydrusus impressifrons. Formosus = Polydrusus formosus 8. Sex: the sex of weevils sampled. M = male; F = female 9. Number of individuals: the number of weevils collected from each plant each sampling date Daily_temperatures_and_GDD.csv: 1. Year: The year of data collection 2. Date: the date of data collection 3. Mean.daily.temp.C: the recorded mean daily temperature in degrees Celsius from the cataloguer 4. GDD: the number of growing degrees days per date. Calculated starting 1 January of each year. We used a lower development threshold of 8.8ºC, the minimum threshold for strawberry root weevil (Otiorhynchus ovatus (L.))(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) which is the closest related species found to Polydrusus spp. with an established lower development threshold, being in the same subfamily 5. Accumulated.GDD: the accumulated growing degree days per date, which is the sum of the current date’s growing degree days and the cumulation of the previous dates of that year1. Polydrusus_sampling_data.csv: This data was compiled to examine the seasonal phenology of adult Polydrusus weevils in hybrid hazelnut orchards and examine the relative phenologies and sex-ratios between the nonindigenous species found. 2. Daily_temperatures_and_GDD.csv: This data was compiled in order to calculated accumulated growing degree days for the collected Polydrusus weevils each year. Data was collected via a datalogger at the field sites.Attribution 3.0 United States phenologyinsect ecologyentomologyweevilforest insecthazelnutsDistribution data of Polydrusus spp. north of Mexico and seasonal phenology of two nonindigenous Polydrusus species in Minnesota hybrid hazelnut orchardsDataset