Berner, Heinz2020-04-212020-04-211977-05 Plan B Paper submitted to the faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota by Heinz Berner as a Requirement for the Degree Master of Science, May 1977.The purpose of this paper is to provide opportunity for a practical exercise in regional planning. It must be emphasized that this paper is a report rather than an original planning contribution. Fieldwork other than four reconnaissance trips was not undertaken. Instead, data compilation has been achieved through personal consultation of local planning offices and governmental agencies as well as literature research. However, content and format (including graphical representation) are the result of the writer's work and judgement.enPlan Bs (project-based master's degrees)Department of Earth and Environmental SciencesUniversity of Minnesota DuluthMaster of ScienceMaster of Science in GeologyA Land Suitability Study for Lakewood Township in St. Louis County, MinnesotaScholarly Text or Essay