Jacobs, Lawrence R.2022-01-042022-01-042020-04-01https://hdl.handle.net/11299/225849The Constitutional design of three branches checking each other is broken. Modern presidents have expanded executive power long before Donald Trump's inauguration. But the assumption the Framers made-- that loyalty to one's own institution and its role – no longer applies in an era of tribal loyalties when Republicans in both the House and Senate routinely unify as a block to support President Trump.The result: Trump is asserting new powers or stretching prior precedents to the breaking point. Why has Congress acquiesced and could we witness a resurgence? This event will feature scholar of Congress Norm Ornstein and longtime political commentator Professor Larry Jacobs to discuss the latest developments in the coronavirus pandemic and the response in Washington, D.C.enCoronavirus and Dysfunction in Washington DCPresentation