Skurla, James AJacobson, JeanLovisolo, JosephJafri, SyedLinde, NicholasMalik, NityaMartopullo, ElaSlegh, DavidCebula, BarbaraAlmquist-Minko, Vickie2023-07-192023-07-192007 University of Minnesota Duluth Labovitz School’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) was requested to assist Cook County to evaluate the idea of developing a small sustainable dairy. Two surveys were designed and implemented in Cook County: A survey of demand—Cook County Dairy Market Survey (Customers) featuring a cash-drawing incentive for participation, and a survey of potential distributors—Cook County Dairy Market Survey (Businesses). Data were collected during the fall of 2006 with analysis completed in early 2007. ... In summary there appears to be a viable business opportunity in Cook County for a dairy of this description, but major startup hurdles must be overcome. Once large enough sales and distribution are established, the cooperative can be a valuable contributor to the Cook County economy.enBureau of Business and Economic ResearchUniversity of Minnesota DuluthCook County Dairy Market Survey and Business PlanReport