Snyder, HarryUniversity of Minnesota. Chemical Division2017-02-032017-02-031904-01Snyder, Harry: Wheat and wheat flour investigations: glutenous and starchy wheats; composition and bread making value of the different streams of white flour produced by the roller process of milling; relative protein content of wheat and flour; composition of an ancient Egyptian wheat; influence of storage and bleaching upon flours; relative food value of graham, entire wheat, and straight grade flours. 1904. Saint Paul, Minn.: University of Minnesota. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 85, page 179-224 archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station: and wheat flour investigations: glutenous and starchy wheats; composition and bread making value of the different streams of white flour produced by the roller process of milling; relative protein content of wheat and flour; composition of an ancient Egyptian wheat; influence of storage and bleaching upon flours; relative food value of graham, entire wheat, and straight grade floursNewsletter or Bulletin