Farrell, Thomas2022-04-252022-04-252022-04This version was not previously published.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/227110See the above abstract.After a short introductory part, my 5,150-word review essay "Eric McLuhan's 1997 and 2015 Books on Menippean Satire" unfolds in the following three parts: (1) "Walter J. Ong and Marshall McLuhan" about the American Jesuit Renaissance specialist and media ecology theorist Walter J. Ong (1912-2003; Ph.D. in English, Harvard University, 1955) and the Canadian Renaissance specialist and media ecology theorist and Catholic convert Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980; Ph.D. in English, Cambridge University, 1943); (2) "Dr. Eric McLuhan's 1997 Book on Menippean Satire," The Role of Thunder in [James Joyce's] "Finnegans Wake" (University of Toronto Press); and (3) "Dr. Eric McLuhan's 2015 Book on Menippean Satire," Cynic Satire (Cambridge Scholars Publishing). Dr. Eric McLuhan (1942-2018; Ph.D. in English, University of Dallas, 1982) is the eldest son of Marshall and Corinne McLuhan.enMarshall McLuhan, Walter J. Ong, Eric McLuhan, James JoyceEric McLuhan's 1997 and 2015 Book on Menippean SatireScholarly Text or Essay