Munshower, Ellen2022-05-202022-05-202022-03-24 Field Project Proposal submitted to the faculty of the University of Minnesota by Ellen Munshower in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Environmental Education, March 24, 2022.The purpose of this evaluative study was to assess to what extent that the River Quest program in Duluth, MN achieves its mission of “enhance[ing] awareness and understanding of the St. Louis River ecosystem and interrelated commercial, industrial, and recreational activities” in participants, and supports local teacher’s curricula (About Us, n.d.). More specifically, the following learning outcomes were investigated through this study: Knowledge regarding water safety; knowledge of the interactions between the river and recreational, commercial, and industrial activities in the region; attitudes regarding water conservation. From a survey of past participants and an interview with an educator that attended in the past, findings showed that the River Quest program is successfully educating students about the subjects, and the program is viewed in an overall positive light.enevaluationSea Grantfield tripwater safetySt. Louis River estuarytwin portsRiver Questecological educationrip currentslocal industryDuluthSuperiorsixth grade6th gradefield trip evaluationplace based educationevaluating attitudesMaster of Environmental EducationPlan Bs (project-based master's degrees)Center for Environmental EducationCollege of Education and Human Service ProfessionsUniversity of Minnesota DuluthRiver Quest: A Programmatic EvaluationScholarly Text or Essay