Minnesota Geological Survey BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF THE BIGFORK 30’ X 60’ QUADRANGLE, ITASCA, KOOCHICHING, AND ST. LOUIS COUNTIES, MINNESOTA MGS Miscellaneous Map M-176 Scale 1:100,000 Mark A. Jirsa and Val W. Chandler. 2007 GIS data. Digitizing was done on-screen using ArcView and/or ArcMap with USGS 7.5" drgs as background material. Shapefiles were converted to ArcInfo coverages, cleaned, built and given attributes in ArcGIS9.2 workstation. projection: UTM zone 15; datum: NAD83 base layers ----------- Big_Forkbw.tif - black and white, modified version of USGS 100k drg (BigFork Quadrangle) Big_Fork.aux, .rrd, .tfwx - world (registration) files for Big_Forkbw.tif in ArcMap 9.2 Digital ArcGis9.2 files provided as ArcExport (e00) files in the zipped file m176_export(e00).zip bgnt -- net cover of bedrock geology polygons, contacts and faults deerlake_oc -- outcrop polygons from Deer Lake mapping project dikes -- line file showing Kenora-Kabetogama dike swarm dnr_dh -- point file of Dept. of Nat. Resources drill holes folds -- line file showing structural folds lkpg_mndot -- polygons of Mn DOT lake outlines mgs_dh -- test drill holes by the MGS outcrop -- outcrop polygons located for this project papg -- polygon of 100k quad boundary struc_pts -- point cover of locations of structure measurements For descriptions of units see m176.pdf text -------------------------------------------------------------- Questions concerning the digital data may be directed to Tim Wahl ( tewahl@umn.edu ) or Rich Lively ( lively@umn.edu ). Questions concerning the geologic information presented in the map should be directed to the author, Ken Harris (harri015@umn.edu). All may be reached by phone at the MGS at 612-627-4780.