------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: datasets for LD8 carp passage study 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information: Name: Peter Sorensen Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 135E Skok Hall, 2003 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108 Email: soren003@umn.edu 3. Date of data collection: 07122017 to 07312018 4. Geographic location of data collection: USACE Lock and Dam 8, Mississippi River mile 679.2, Genoa, WI 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Funding for this project was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as well as the Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Fund via the MN DNR. A Twin Cities boy scout troop generously donated funds to pay for the speakers. Groups of 20 common carp were acoustically tagged downstream of Lock and Dam 8 [Fish_Data.txt]. Their passage into the lock chamber were monitored via acoustic receivers placed in the lock chamber [LD8 map.txt, receiver deployment.txt]. Each group (8 in total) was monitored when a sound barrier was either off of on [Trial Dates.txt]. Their detections are listed in Data_LD8.txt. These are filtered detection: false postive were removed [unfiltered data can be obtained by contacting js.finger@yahoo.fr] Data-specific information for: Fish_Data.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 8 2. Number of rows: 160 rows 3. Variable List A. Name: species Description: Species of carp Cyprinus carpio - Common carp B. Name: accID Description: values unique for each tag allowing identification during passive tracking C. Name: DNRID Description: individual ID on Department of Natural Resources external floy tags. D. Name: date Description: Date of capture and tag insertion. E. Name: sex Description: Sex of specimen. M = male F = female NA = not applicable F. Name: size Description: Total lenght of specimen in millimeters. G. Name: weight Description: Weight of specimen in kilograms. H. Name: capt.loc Description: Location of capture. Pool 8 Data-specific information for: receiver deployment.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of rows: 8 rows 3. Variable List A. Name: Trial Description: Receiver ID number. B. Name: location Description: location of deployment LCN LCS DSLC LCN - East C. Name: date.in Description: date and time of deployment D. Name: date.out Description: date and time of retrieval Data-specific information for: trial dates.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of rows: 8 3. Variable List A. Name: trial number Description: 8 trials occured B. Name: start date Description: the date that the trial began C. Name: end date Descriptipon: the date that the trial ended D. Name: days Description: total number of days in each trial E. NameL barrier status Description: either the sound was off or on (off = 4 trials, on = 4 trials) Data-specific information for: Data LD8.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of rows: 49,864 rows 3. Variable List A. Name: DateTime Description: Date and time of detections B. Name: FishCode Description: Tag ID code unique to each individual fish C. Name: Receiver.ID Description: receiver that detected the fish D. Name: Location Description: location where the receiver detecting the fish was deployed LCS LCN DSLC LCN - East