This readme.txt file was generated on 2019-09-30 by DRUM curator Lisa Johnston ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Cloquet Forestry Center arboretum larch individual tree diameter and height 2016 2. Author Information Name: Kyle Gill Institution: University of Minnesota Cloquet Forestry Center Email: Name: Benjamin Koenig Institution: University of Minnesota Cloquet Forestry Center 3. Date of data collection: 2016-08-02 to 2016-09-20 4. Geographic location of data collection: Cloquet, Minnesota (46.701619, -92.525388) -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: n/a 3. Recommended citation for the data: Koenig, B., & Gill, K. Cloquet Forestry Center arboretum larch individual tree diameter and height 2016. Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM). -------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION -------------------------- During August 2 through September 20, 2016 Kyle Gill, University of Minnesota Cloquet Forestry Center (CFC) Manager and Research Coordinator, led an effort to sample individual tree size on 139 larch trees of six different genetic and geographic sources found in the CFC arboretum; genetic or geographic source available upon request. A general CFC Arboretum description from the CFC project record #1913_05: "In 1922 a[n]... attempt was made to establish an arboretum.... The area was completely cleared and the soil plowed. Trees were planted in blocks of fifty using a six foot spacing. A twelve foot space was left between each block. The trees were cultivated as long as it was possible to drive a horse between the rows. Further plantings were made in 1925, 1928, 1929, 1930, and 1933; altogether sixty-eight species were planted in the arboretum. All of these gave promise of being hardy after growing from two to four years in the nursery." Comment from Kyle Gill about the CFC Arboretum plots at the time of sampling: "Mortality has occurred in a number of the plot because no thinning has occurred in any of the plots since they were planted. Given this, the number of trees measured from varies from one plot to the next. This also means that individual tree growing space, or the neighborhood and competition level of any given tree, varies over time in an undocumented way because the timing of individual tree mortality has not been documented." Personnel involved in data collection: Benjamin Koenig led the data collection during a summer internship. Rachael and Heather were field support. Kyle Gill was advisor and created protocol. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CFC_ArboretumLarchData_20190926.csv ----------------------------------------- Data rows are for each individual tree. Five different larch species were sampled, and one species had two varieties: Larix laricina, Larix gmelini, Larix dahurica, Larix gmelini var. olgensis, Larix siberica, and Larix occidentalis. Variable list: (Fieldname - units or data type - data description) Date - YYYYMMDD - the date data were collected. Crew - text - Crew members who collected the data separated by semi-colon. PlotNumber - numeric - Plot number within the Cloquet Forestry Center Arboretum in which trees were sampled. DatePlanted - YYYY - Year in which trees in plot were planted; 999 = unknown. TreeNumber - numeric - Individual tree tag number that is unique within plot but not necessarily unique among plots. These temporary numbers were assigned during this data collection effort. CommonName - text - Common name species for tree sampled. LatinName - text - Latin name species for tree sampled. DBH - inches - diameter at breast height. Missing data: tree # 9-8, confirmed on the paper datasheet. TotalHeight - feet - total tree height from base of tree to topmost living stem. Live - binary "Yes" or "No" - "Yes" = tree was alive at the time of sampling; "No" = tree was dead at the time of sampling. LiveCrownBase - feet - Height to the base of live tree crown as identified by the lowest living branch; NA if tree was dead at time of sampling. LiveCrown - feet - Total live crown depth calculated by subtracting LiveCrownBase from TotalHeight; NA if tree was dead at time of sampling. CrownClass - D, C, I, or S - D = Dominant, C = Codominant, I = Intermediate, S = Suppressed; NA if tree was dead at time of sampling. Comments - text - Any additional comments or notes of interest about the individual tree being sampled.