Title: Materials to re-create "Direct Observations of Coastally-Generated Near-Inertial Waves During a Wind Event" by Kelly et al. Published Date: 2024-10-16 Authors: Kelly, Samuel M Group: University of Minnesota Duluth, Large Lakes Observatory Author Contact: Kelly, Samuel, M (smkelly@d.umn.edu) Type: Dataset Programming Software Code: Observational Data Abstract: A recent manuscript examined near inertial currents and internal waves in Lake Superior using shipboard observations. This submission includes the Matlab scripts and functions to analyze the observations and recreate the figures in the manuscript. Description: There are two folders (compressed in .zip format). Each folder has an associated plain-text documentation file that includes detailed information about its contents. The folders are: (1) analysis_scripts and (2) plotting_scripts. The first folder contains the Matlab scripts to process observations collected on the R/V Blue Heron. The second folder contains Matlab scripts and functions that re-create the figures included in Kelly et al. (2024). All of the data needed for these scripts are included in the folder. Funding information: Sponsorship: National Science Foundation, OCE-1635560 and Office of Naval Research, N00014-181-2800. Referenced by Kelly S. M. et al. (2024), "Direct Observations of Coastally-Generated Near-Inertial Waves During a Wind Event", J. Geophs. Res., DOI: TBD License: CC0 1.0 Universal Suggested Citation: Kelly, Samuel M. (2024). Materials to re-create "Direct Observations of Coastally-Generated Near-Inertial Waves During a Wind Event" by Kelly et al. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM). https://doi.org/10.13020/be75-1p94 Repository Structure: READMEmain README_analysis_scripts README_plotting_scripts +---analysis_scripts | duet.mat | fw_c_sound.m | fw_dens.m | get_data.m | get_model.m | get_slab.m | get_trans.m | main.m | sadcp.mat | \---plotting_scripts | bathy.mat | cbrewer2.m | data.mat | FIXXLIM.m | LON2KM.m | model.mat | plot_fig1.m | plot_fig10.m | plot_fig11.m | plot_fig12.m | plot_fig13.m | plot_fig2.m | plot_fig3.m | plot_fig4.m | plot_fig5.m | plot_fig6.m | plot_fig7.m | plot_fig8.m | plot_fig9.m | sadcp.mat | slab.mat | trans.mat | wind.mat | \---figures fig1.png fig10.png fig11.pdf fig12.png fig13.png fig2.pdf fig3.png fig4.png fig5.png fig6.png fig7.png fig8.png fig9.png