# Dataset Description The National Accessibility Evaluation (NAE) produces annual calculations of job access via transportation modes, for all available origin blocks across the U.S. This dataset provides a summary of the worker-weighted access by different census geography levels and travel times for the state. The worker-weighted access here represents the average number of jobs a person can reach at 8am from a specific census area origin within a given travel time threshold. The travel time thresholds are in integer minutes, at intervals from 5 minutes to 60 minutes (1 hour). Census levels included in this dataset are: 1. Block 2. Block Group 3. Census Tract 4. County 5. State The data for each census level is presented in a separate CSV data file. ## Data Files [state]_[statecode]_[mode]_[census level]_[year].csv: These files contain the Block, Block Group, Census Tract, County, and State census levels data by mode. ### Important Note Due to its large size, the 'Block' level data file should not be opened outside of a person's coding platform. Attempting to open this file in Excel or a similar spreadsheet program would cut off a significant amount of data points. ## Data Fields 1. Mode: the type of travel modes, one of auto; bike; or transit). 2. Year: NAE data year, the year for which this dataset is relevant. 3. State FIPS: the ID of the containing geography within which the data averages are calculated. 4. State: the state the data corresponds to. 5. Summary Level: the level of geography at which averages are calculated; one of state, county, census tract, block group, or block. 6. Census ID: the ID of the particular census geography for which the data averages are calculated. 7. Departure: the time of day a mode's accessibility is measured. 8. LTS: Level of Traffic Stress, measured only for bike mode. 9. Threshold: the travel time threshold in minutes, ranging from 5 to 60 minutes. 10. Weighted_average_total_jobs: the average number of jobs a person can reach from a given census area within the travel time threshold for a specific mode.