Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

This page last updated: 02/15/2024
Metadata created using Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines

Go to Section:
1. Overview
2. Data Quality
3. Data Organization
4. Coordinate System
5. Attributes
6. Distribution - Get Data
7. Metadata Reference

Section 1 Overview
Originator Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
Title Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Abstract A Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) indicates where live vegetation is located on the landscape. This NDVI was calculated for the period of June 2015 through Febuary 2018 at a resolution of 10 meters.
Purpose Vegetation presence assessment.
Time Period of Content Date Jun 23, 2015 - Feb 28, 2018
Currentness Reference
Progress Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency As needed
Spatial Extent of Data Minnesota
Bounding Coordinates -97.23
Place Keywords Minnesota
Theme Keywords imageryBaseMapsEarthCove, vegetation, NDVI
Theme Keyword Thesaurus ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Access Constraints None
Use Constraints This data is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.
Contact Person Information Kris Johnson, GIS Specialist
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
5013 Miller Trunk Highway
Duluth, MN  55811
Phone: 218-726-6226
Browse Graphic None available
Associated Data Sets

Section 2 Data Quality
Attribute Accuracy
Logical Consistency
Horizontal Positional Accuracy
Lineage Developed using Google Earth Engine Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. For more information on the Sentinel-2 imagery:

Script used to derive data:

Methods: This is a composite image where each pixel is selected based on the NDVI function (NIR-Red/NIR+Red). This composite thus represents the highest NDVI for every pixel for that location captured by Sentinel-2.

Development of this data was supported by a direct appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature to the Natural Resources Research Institute as part of the Minnesota Mining and Water Innovation Initiative.

Section 3 Spatial Data Organization (not used in this metadata)

Section 4 Coordinate System
Horizontal Coordinate Scheme Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM Zone Number 15
Horizontal Datum NAD83
Horizontal Units meters
Cell Width 10
Cell Height 10

Section 5 Attributes
Detailed Citation
Table Detail:
NDVI Attribute Table
Field NameValid ValuesDefinitionDefinition Source
NDVI-1 to 1-1 indicates no vegetation, 0 indcates bare soil or water, and values 0.6 or greater indicates healthy vegetation.

Section 6 Distribution
Publisher Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
Publication Date 03/05/2018
Contact Person Information Catalog Manager,
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
5013 Miller Trunk Highway
Duluth, MN  55803
Phone: 218-788-2694
Distributor's Data Set Identifier
Distribution Liability
Ordering Instructions
Online Linkage None available

Section 7 Metadata Reference
Metadata Date 02/15/2024
Contact Person Information Catalog Manager,
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota
5013 Miller Trunk Highway
Duluth, MN  55803
Phone: 218-788-2694
Metadata Standard Name Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines
Metadata Standard Version 1.2
Metadata Standard Online Linkage

This page last updated: 02/15/2024
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