Field Study of the Ice Cover of a Lake: Implications for Winter Water Quality Modeling

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Field Study of the Ice Cover of a Lake: Implications for Winter Water Quality Modeling

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St. Anthony Falls Laboratory




The principal aim of tlus study was to gain· additional understanding of the physical processes associated with the growth and decay of ice covers on mid-latitude temperate lakes, including freeze-up and break-up. Snow and)ce covers on a lake are critical to lake water quality during winter months. Improving the accuracy of model components associated with the ice and snow cover on a lake benefits, for example, the water temperature and dissolved oxygen modules of lake water quality models. To develop a better understanding of the physical processes associated with ice formation and decay on a lake, a field study was considered most appropriate. Thls study focused on phenomena wluch occur withln two meters of either side of a lake surface and have a bearing on lake water quality.



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Series/Report Number

Project Reports

Funding information

US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research & Development and Mid-Continent-Ecology Division

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Suggested citation

Champlin, Jerry G.; Stefan, Heinz G.. (1996). Field Study of the Ice Cover of a Lake: Implications for Winter Water Quality Modeling. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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