Probing Early Structure Formation with Mass, Light and Chemistry 2005
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Item Spectral Line Signatures of Early Galaxy Formation(2012-07-26) Oh, S. PengItem Cosmology in the Near Field(2012-07-26) Bullock, JamesItem The Hierarchical Assembly of the Local Group of Galaxies(2012-07-24) Mayer, LucioItem Progress in Searching for Most of the Mass of the Universe(2012-07-24) Caldwell, DavidItem Probing Baryonic Structure Formation with Light Elements and Gamma-Rays(2012-07-24) Fields, BrianItem Constraining the IMF of the First Stars and Their Contributions to Reionization Using Galactic Chemical Evolution(2012-07-24) Tumlinson, JasonItem Hierarchical Growth and Cosmic Star Formation: Enrichment, Outflows and Supernova Rates(2012-07-23) Daigne, FredericItem Abundances in Halo Stars, with Special Focus on the Abundances of Lithium & Beryllium(2012-07-23) Bonifacio, PiercarloItem The Frequency of Low Metallicity Stars in the Galaxy, and Present and Future Surveys(2012-07-23) Beers, TimothyItem Abundance Constraints on Early Chemical Evolution(2012-07-23) Truran, JimItem Metal Enrichment of the IGM and Production of Massive Black Holes(2012-07-23) Wasserburg, G.J.Item The Sources of Intergalactic Metals(2012-07-23) Scannapieco, EvanItem Critical Metallicity of Primordial Gas Enriched by the First Stars(2012-07-23) Shull, MikeItem Gamma Ray Bursts in a Cosmological Context(2012-07-23) Meszaros, PeterItem Constraints on Early Structure Formation from z=3 Protogalaxies(2012-07-23) Gawiser, EricItem Putting Metals into the IGM(2012-07-23) Songaila, AntoinetteItem Metals at High Redshift(2012-07-23) Petitjean, PatrickItem Observational Aspects in Weak Lensing Studies of the Dark Matter Distribution in our Universe(2012-07-23) Erben, ThomasItem Local Group Dwarfs and Reionization - Is There a Link?(2012-07-23) Gnedin, NickItem Observational Search for Reionization(2012-07-23) Pen, Ue-Li