Camp 8 Podcast

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The Camp 8 podcast from the Cloquet Forestry Center highlights voices from the Minnesota woods including those of foresters, wildlife managers, researchers, landowners, and others.
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    Episode 12: Eric Schenck
    (2020-09-15) Sagor, Eli; Schenck, Eric
    In Episode 12, Eli talks with Eric Schenck, Executive Director of the Minnesota Forest Resources Council. The MFRC advises the governor on forest policy matters, and Eric is in a great position to discuss the state of Minnesota's forests from a policy and economic perspective. As the Council nears its 25th anniversary, Eric discusses the Council's role and prospects for the future of forestry in Minnesota. We also address the Council's structure and major programs, resilience of Minnesota's wood products industry, and the state of the logging and trucking workforce.
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    Episode 11: Katie Fernholz
    (2020-08-25) Gill, Kyle; Fernholz, Katie
    In Episode 11, Kyle talks with Katie Fernholz, president and CEO of Dovetail Partners, Inc. Katie has been a prominent member of Minnesota's forestry community for a couple of decades now. Her work to advance forest certification and more recently innovations in the wood products sector have focused on the many ways that forestry can help solve some of society's greatest environmental problems. In fast-moving and insightful conversation, Katie and Kyle discuss her many leadership roles, challenges she has faced along the way, and how to advance change in the forestry profession.
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    Episode 10: Mike Kilgore
    (2020-08-11) Sagor, Eli; Kilgore, Mike
    In Episode 10, Eli discusses Minnesota's family forest owners with Mike Kilgore. Currently head of the University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources, Mike has had a long career in research and service related to forest policy and economics. Family forest owners collectively control about 36% of Minnesota's forest land. Their decisions have profound influences on the state's timber supply as well as habitat availability and quality for forest-dependent wildlife. Mike discusses what we know about this diverse group of individuals and families.
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    Episode 9: Patty Thielen
    (2020-07-29) Gill, Kyle; Thielen, Patty
    In Episode 9, Kyle asks five questions with a forester of Patty Thielen, Northeast Minnesota Region Director at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. We hear that she would "rather wear hiking boots and long johns than heels and nylons" as a forester. Patty shares wisdom and anecdotes from her 25 year career with the Minnesota DNR. She discusses balancing multiple objectives across DNR lands and shares stories of the Old Growth Triathlon and when 3rd-graders at a public outreach event were shocked when the answer to their question, "Do you have to pay to be a forester?" was, "No, in fact they pay me to be a forester!" The audio quality during the interview was not quite as high as we would like due to rural internet connections but we feel that the quality of the content outweighed the occasional audio delay. Thank you for your understanding.
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    Episode 8: Mike Reinikainen
    (2020-07-14) Gill, Kyle; Reinikainen, Mike
    In Episode 8, Kyle asks five questions with a forester of Mike Reinikainen, Silviculture Program Coordinator at the Minnesota DNR, Division of Forestry. In his 8 year career so far, Mike has held a few different positions, giving him an interesting perspective on silviculture. Mike discusses working as a forester in the Metro, the challenges and enjoyment of serving private landowners, and more.
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    Episode 7: Mike Dockry
    (2020-06-30) Sagor, Eli; Dockry, Mike
    In Episode 7, Eli speaks with Dr. Mike Dockry of the University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources. Mike researches indigenous models of sustainability, which is the topic of our discussion. We also discuss the land grant university system and the increasing popularity, but insufficiency, of land acknowledgments.
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    Episode 6: Greg Bernu
    (2020-06-16) Gill, Kyle; Bernu, Greg
    In Episode 6, Kyle asks his 5 questions with a forester to Carlton County (MN) Land Commissioner Greg Bernu. In addition to being an insightful and funny guy, Greg is active in a number of important leadership and pulbic service roles within Minnesota's forestry community. During the conversation, Greg reflects on what it means to be a forester, how he spends his days, and how his work has evolved over the years.
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    Episode 5: Jim Bowyer
    (2020-06-02) Sagor, Eli; Bowyer, Jim
    In Episode 5, Eli interviews Jim Bowyer, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota, senior contributor at Dovetail Partners, and author of The Irresponsible Pursuit of Paradise. Jim is well known for life cycle assessment research, designed to assess the environmental impact of a product or action by analyzing all of the component parts and processes. Jim offers insights about wood as a natural resource, the results of an environmental quiz that he has run for decades, and a critique of one of the most prominent environmental analyses ever conducted.
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    Episode 4: The Adams Factor
    (2020-05-19) Gill, Kyle; Adams, Cheryl; Scherer, Sawyer
    In Episode 4, Kyle asks his Five Questions with a Forester to Cheryl Adams and Sawyer Scherer, two foresters from UPM-Blandin Paper Company in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Cheryl, now retired, shares stories of many "firsts" in forest industry during her time as Blandin's Forest Ecologist and Forest Manager. As an early career forester, Sawyer is taking Blandin's forests in innovative and new directions, building on the foundation he inherited from Cheryl.
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    Camp 8, Episode 3: Clare Boerigter
    (2020-05-05) Sagor, Elie; Gill, Kyle; Boerigter, Clare
    In Episode 3, Eli and Kyle go deep into our podcast's namesake stand, Camp 8. We visit with Clare Boerigter, a creative nonfiction writer at the University of Minnesota who published a multimedia history of the stand at We discuss what Camp 8 is, how it came to look the way it does, and what lessons we can draw from its fascinating and long history.
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    Camp 8, Episode 2: Introducing Kyle Gill and remembering Peter Bundy
    (2020-04-21) Sagor, Eli; Gill, Kyle
    In this episode we introduce the new Camp 8 name and co-host Kyle Gill. Eli and Kyle discuss podcast themes and what to expect from future episodes. We also remember Peter Bundy, who passed away recently, with short remembrances from some friends and collaborators.
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    Camp 8, Episode 1: ForestEd Podcast
    (2020-04-03) Sagor, Eli
    Welcome to the ForestEd podcast. In this first episode, I check in with a few people who work in the Minnesota woods to hear how their work has changed in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.