Extension Pamphlet
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Item Minnesota River Decision Cases: The Falke Farm(University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1996) University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension ServiceItem Creating Web Pages: A Step-By-Step Guide(University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1996-09) Matthes, KarenItem Septic System: Owner's Guide(University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1997) Olson, Kenneth; Gustafson, David; Liukkonen, Barbara; Cook, VictoriaItem Managing Forage Grass in Minnesota(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1960-04)Item Opportunities in Minnesota for Occupational Training and Retraining(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967)Item Records -- Not Luck -- For Good Reproductive Performance(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967-10)Item Breeding Dairy Heifers(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967-08)Item Nutrition and Reproductive Performance(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1972)Item Heat Detection and Time to Breed(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967-06)Item Underwear for Children(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967-02) Baierl, ThelmaItem Jeans and Wash Slacks for Children(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967-02) Baierl, ThelmaItem Cost Estimate of Beef By the Side(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1973) Epley, Richard J.Item Why Some Cows Don't Conceive(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1968-08)Item Extra Money By Improving Reproductive Performance(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967-04)Item Shoes for Children(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967-02) Baierl, ThelmaItem Shopping Notes: Curtains and Draperies(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1967-07)Item How to Arrange Furniture(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1966-09)Item Clothes: Today and Tomorrow(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1966) Baierl, ThelmaItem Dairy Products: Eggs and Poultry(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1950-03) Killen, Mary; Hinds, M. K.Item A Survey Of The Egg And Poultry Marketing Enterprise Of Cooperative Creameries In West Central Minnesota(University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service, 1940-12)