MN Youth Development Research Group Papers
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Item Statement on Data & Assessment Literacy, Data Use, & Reporting(2015) Rodriguez, Michael; Generation Next Data CommitteeItem Empirical Evidence to Support the Measurement of Sense of Belonging in Graduate Students(2023-04) Do, Tai; Chavez, Carlos; Lamm, Rik; Rodriguez, Michael C.Item Analyzing & Reporting Achievement Gaps: Guidance for Minnesota Schools(2016-01) Rodriguez, Michael C.; Nickodem, Kyle; Palma, Jose; Stanke, LukeItem Intersectional DIF Analyses for a Graduate Student Program Satisfaction Measure(2024-04) Miranda, Alejandra; Rodriguez, Michael C.Item Item Parameter Drift of Social and Emotional Learning Measures over Time(2024) Miranda, Alejandra; Vivas Corrales, Pablo; Smith, Mireya; Rodriguez, Michael CItem Trends in Sense of Belonging During Challenging Times for Adolescents(2024) Do, Tai; Rodriguez, Michael C; Lamm, Rik; Chavez, CarlosItem Examining Noneffortful Responding in Survey Responses and SEL Measures(2024) Lamm, Rik; Abulela, Mohammed A.A; Nickodem, Kyle; Rodriguez, Michael CItem Measurement Invariance of Social and Emotional Learning Measures across Four Administrations: Conventional Fit Statistics Versus RMSEAD(2024) Abulela, Mohammed A.A; Nickodem, Kyle; Rodriguz, Michael CItem Investigating “Books at Home” as an Indicator of Student Socioeconomic Status(2024) Ihlenfeldt, Sam; Nickodem, Kyle; Rodriguez, Michael CItem Sense of Belonging Scale Development and Viability(2021-12) Do, Tai TA sense of belonging measure was developed using items from a large survey administered to students in 5th, 8th, 9th, and 11th grade in Minnesota. Validity evidence, via regression analyses, was obtained that supported the interpretation and use of the measure in an adolescent-student sample. Regression results showed that Students of Color, compared to White students, experienced lower levels of sense of belonging. Sense of belonging also appears to be associated with academic engagement and disengagement variables, however, the effects were more prominent for White students than for Students of Color.Item A Psychometric Perspective on SEL Assessment(CASEL Measuring SEL Network, 2018-07-11) Rodriguez, Michael CItem Technical Report on Developmental Skills, Supports, & Challenges from the 2013-2022 Minnesota Student Surveys(2023-08) Rodriguez, Michael CItem Investigating Sense of Belonging of Graduate Students Using Explanatory Item Response Models(2023-04) Chavez, Carlos; Do, Tai; Rodriguez, Michael C.Item The Grass is Definitely not Greener: Academic Performance Deeply Affected by Marijuana Use(2020-04) Caesar, Julio; Karl, Stacy R; Rodriguez, Michael CItem Validating Claims about Test Score Interpretation and Use (and Nonuse)(2022-08) Rodriguez, Michael C.Item Toward More Equitable Measurement(2022-04) Rodriguez, Michael C.Item A Cohort Change Model(2022-04) Chavez, Carlos; Rodriguez, Michael C.Item Avoiding a Train Wreck(2022-04) Rodriguez, Michael C.Item A measure of diversity(2020) Vue, Kory; Nickodem, Kyle; Rodriguez, Michael C.Item Exploring Variance with Different Levels of Data Disaggregation(2022-04) Li, Jun; Zhao, Qian; Rodriguez, Michael C