Yang Research Group
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Item Data for the flume experiments and numerical simulations of the surface and subsurface flows in an emergent vegetation canopy at St. Anthony Falls Laboratory in 2024.(2025-01-21) Huang, Shih-Hsun; Nuli, Rohit; Yang, Judy Q; judyyang@umn.edu; Yang, Judy Q; University of Minnesota Environmental Transport LabWe combined laboratory experiments and coupled numerical simulations to study the hyporheic exchange process within an emergent vegetation canopy in a channel with a permeable bed.Item Data supporting the manuscript Role of microbial mats in bed evolution and the formation of sedimentary structures(2024-12-05) Assis, Willian; Yang, Judy Q; wassis@umn.edu; Assis, Willian; University of Minnesota, Saint Anthony Falls LaboratoryThis dataset contains the data collected and presented in the manuscript "Role of microbial mats in bed evolution and the formation of sedimentary structures". It includes the bed topographies along the centerline of the channel for each tested case. Additionally, it contains the matlab codes used to process the data.Item High Salinity Increases the Fluidity and Erodibility of Sand-Clay Mixtures(2024-09-12) Benaich, Soukaina; Huang, Shih-Hsun; Bourg, Ian; Yang, Judy Q; benai015@umn.edu; Soukaina , Benaich; St.Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota Twin CitiesMud, consisting of clay and sand, is commonly found in freshwater and saltwater ecosystems including wetlands, coastal regions, and estuaries. However, our understanding of how mud behaves under various salinity levels is still limited. In this research, we investigated the impact of salinity on the rheological properties and erosion resistance of sand-clay mixtures through flume experiments. To simulate natural mud under various salinity conditions, we mixed sand and clay in ratios representative of natural mud and added pore water with salinities ranging from 0 to 35 ppt. We used a rheometer to measure the viscosity and yield stress of the mixtures and determined the critical bed shear stress needed to erode them in a water-recirculating flume. Our results indicate that as salinity increases, the critical bed shear stress and yield stress decrease by one order magnitude and two order magnitude, respectively. This dependency on salinity reflects a transition of the sand-clay mixture from a cohesive gel-like state at lower salinity levels (<10 ppt) to a liquid state as salinity increases to a higher level (≥ 10 ppt). Our research underscores the important role of salt in controlling the erosion threshold of mud. The results will help design erosion prevention structures and forecast sediment movement in coastal areas.Item Data supporting Motility directs Pseudomonas aeruginosa towards surfaces and enhances biofilm formation(2024-08-08) Wei, Guanju; Yang, Judy Q; judyyang@umn.edu; Yang, Judy Q; University of Minnesota, Saint Anthony Falls LaboratoryThis dataset contains all the angles and trajectories for both motile and non-motile Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells. In the manuscript, we demonstrated that the cell motility can enhance biofilm formation and utilized the orientation angle and trajectory data to support this conclusion.Item Experimental data of the log-induced hyporheic flow experiment in the 6-inch flume of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory in 2023(2024-06-17) Huang, Shih-Hsun; Yang, Judy Q; judyyang@umn.edu; Yang, Judy Q; University of Minnesota Environmental Transport LabWe conducted flume experiments to study how two in-line channel-spanning logs affect surface flow and hyporheic flow in a channel. The dataset comprises data and results obtained from measurements of water surface elevation profiles, particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements, and visualizations of fluorescent dye transport in the sediment bed around the channel-spanning log. The Matlab scripts used to process the data are also included.Item Experimental data of biofilm development experiments under fluctuating flow conditions taken and processed at SAFL in 2022(2023-05-04) Wei, Guanju; Yang, Judy Q; judyyang@umn.edu; Yang, Judy; University of Minnesota, Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, Environmental Transport LabThis dataset consists of the Matlab codes, experimental data, and raw images of the biofilm development experiments under fluctuating flow conditions. They are all collected in the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory at the University of Minnesota. The codes are used for processing the raw images to calculate the biofilm thickness and biofilm area coverage. The experimental data file contains the data after processing. The image file contains the raw images collected during the experiments using the Nikon confocal microscope.Item Experimental data of log jam-induced hyporheic flow experiment in Ecoflume of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory in 2022(2023-04-26) Huang, Shih-Hsun; Yang, Judy Q; judyyang@umn.edu; Yang, Judy Q; University of Minnesota Environmental Transport LabWe conducted flume experiments to study how a channel-spanning log jam affects hyporheic flow. The dataset comprises data and results obtained from measurements of water surface elevation profiles, particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements, and visualizations of fluorescent dye transport in the sediment bed beneath the log jam.Item Flow and clay erosion data taken and processed at SAFL in a grid-turbulence tank Summer 2022(2022-10-03) San Juan, Jorge E; Wei, William G; Yang, Judy Q; jsanjuan@umn.edu; San Juan, Jorge E; Environmental Transport Laboratory at St Anthony Falls LabHere we present a dataset containing raw imaging and processed data on clay erosion. This new dataset expands and complements the information located at https://doi.org/10.13020/vxrv-7e20. This dataset supports our study of the impact of salinity and consolidation on the microstructure and erosion threshold of cohesive sediments. The erosion measurements were taken inside a grid-turbulence tank at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. We set the water salinity at a prescribed concentration in part-per-thousands and two clay consolidation conditions (unconsolidated and consolidated after 17 hours) for each experimental case. Here we incorporate laponite (smectite clay)'s surface erosion from laser-induced fluorescence and image processing.Item Flow and clay erosion data taken and processed at SAFL in a grid-turbulence tank Fall 2021-Spring 2022(2022-05-23) San Juan, Jorge E; Wei, William G; Yang, Judy Q; jsanjuan@umn.edu; San Juan, Jorge E; Environmental Transport Laboratory at St Anthony Falls LabHere we present a data set containing raw imaging and processed data of clay erosion and near-bed turbulence. This data set supports our study of the impact of salinity and consolidation on the microstructure and erosion threshold of cohesive sediments. The flow and erosion measurements were taken inside a grid-turbulence tank at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. We set up the water salinity at a prescribed concentration in part-per-thousands and two clay consolidation conditions (unconsolidated and consolidated after 17 hours) for each experimental case. Here we incorporate detailed near-bed turbulence measurements to quantify the erosive effect of the turbulent water flow. We also include laponite (smectite clay)'s surface erosion from laser-induced fluorescence and image processing.Item Experimental data of Pseudomonas putida biofilm development experiments in flat and rough microfluidic channels(2022-05-09) Wei, Guanju; Yang, Judy Q; judyyang@umn.edu; Yang, Judy; University of Minnesota, Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, Environmental Transport LabThis dataset consists of the codes, experimental data, and raw images of the Pseudomonas putida biofilm development experiments. They are all collected in the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory at the University of Minnesota. The codes are used for processing the raw images to calculate the biofilm thickness. The experimental data file contains the experiment parameters and the data after processing. The image file contains the raw images collected using the Nikon confocal microscope.Item Data supporting Inhibition of the Growth of Harmful Algal Bloom-forming Freshwater Cyanobacteria by Clay(2022-03-14) Yang, Judy Q; Tomaska, Katherine R; Wei, Guanju; tomas098@umn.edu; Tomaska, Katherine R; Yang Research Group: Environmental Transport LabThis dataset contains cell density measurements and confocal images of Microcystis Aeruginosa. The raw data from hand counting cells under a microscope with a hemocytometer is included, as well as the calculated cell density based on the hemocytometer measurements. The bacteria cells were grown in one of three growth conditions. Each growth condition was simulated in three different flasks. For each date, the cell densities of identical growth conditions were averaged. Cell densities for each date and growth condition were subsequently plotted with error bars to determine any trends. Additionally, data on the environmental conditions of cell growth are included on dates when the measurements were taken. The physical interactions between cyanobacteria and clay particles were visualized using a confocal laser scanning microscope (Nikon C2 plus). Each image is around 2048 by 2048 pixels at a resolution of 0.08 um/pixel. We used a 20X objective magnification. A sequence of images was taken at 10-second intervals for 5 minutes. The laser used for excitation has a wavelength of 488 nm (FITC) and the emission wavelength is 525 nm.Item Experimental data of vegetation-induced hyporheic exchange experiment in Ecoflume of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory on 2021 (29GB)(2021-11-19) Huang, Shih-Hsun; Yang, Judy Q; judyyang@umn.edu; Yang, Judy Q; University of Minnesota Environmental Transport LabThe dye injection experiments were conducted to investigate the impacts of the vegetation-generated turbulence on hyporheic exchange. The data set includes the results and raw data of solute washout experiments and the flow measurements.