Health Science Library Newsletters

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This collection contains newsletters from the Health Science Library at UMD, including the May 19, 1975, issue of Info (no. 1) and issues of the Health Science Library Newsline from May 1980 through August 1980. Some issues, or other titles, might be missing.

The Health Science Library was established in 1972 as a departmental library within the Duluth campus library system, serving the School of Medicine on the UMD campus. The goal was to "function as a regional resource collection of print and non-print materials for the management and rapid dissemination of biomedical information to University students, staff, faculty, community and area physicians, and to others involved in Allied Health studies or needing health science information." In August 2000 all contents from the Health Science Library were transferred to the new UMD Library building, now known as the Kathryn A. Martin Library, and the Health Science Library no longer exists as a separate entity.

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