Liberal Arts Research Newsletter "LARES"

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LARES or Liberal Arts RESearch News and Comment (later Liberal Arts Research Newsletter) was first published by the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Office of Research Development in October 1975, shortly after CLA appointed a Coordinator of Research Development. In the inaugural issue of LARES, Robert T. Holt, Coordinator of Research Development, explained in a Personal Message to Faculty that the previous year “the central officers of the University with the endorsement of the Senate Committee on Research, initiated a reorganization of research administration. Some of the functions of the old Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) were combined with those of the Research Accounting Office in a new Office of Research Administration (ORA). Many of the research development activities of OSP were decentralized into the several colleges and became a major responsibility of a ‘Research Officer’ in each college.” Instead of naming the position Research Officer, CLA decided to use the title Coordinator of Research Development, and the Coordinator’s office “in order to facilitate communication with you (the faculty)” would publish LARES monthly to provide “news of funding opportunities, information on new research facilities at the University, announcements of grants received by the faculty, etc.”

LARES ceased publication in 1993.

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