Center for Community and Regional Research (CCRR) Reports

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This collection contains reports funded and/or published by the Center for Community and Regional Research at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Those reports date from 1988 to 2012.

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    Evaluation of the South St. Louis County Adult Drug Court Program: Process and Outcomes
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2007-12) Maahs, Jeff; Zafft, Katie
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    The Impact of Custody and Visitation Arrangements on Minnesota Rural Battered Women
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2009-04-27) Shepard, Melanie; Hagemeister, Annelies
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    East Hillside Endion Neighborhood Senior Survey Final Report
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2004-08) Bye, Lynn; Mork, Jeremy
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    Barriers to Oral Health: The Problems People with Low-Incomes Face in Accessing Dental Care
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2005-10) Torch, Erik; Bye, Lynn
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    Arthritis in Indian Country: Determining the Prevalence and Effects
    (University of Minnesota, Duluth, 1997) Elliott, Barbara A; Johnson, Karen M; Leff, Robert D; Day, John J
    Objectives: This project was designed to determine the prevalence of selfreported arthritis and its effect on the daily lives of Chippewa Indian people on tribal lands in WI. 2 Design and Methods: After review and approval by the LCO Tribal Council and University Human Subjects Committee, interviews with randomly selected tribal residents, followed by focus groups and medical chart reviews were done. Results: Eighty-one percent (n=82) of the eligible sample were interviewed. Fifty-six percent (n=46) of them self-reported a diagnosis of arthritis, either by physician report or description of symptoms confirmed by a rheumatologist. Eighty percent of this group (n=37) reported limitations in their activities that can be attributed to arthritis. Only half of the medical charts included the diagnosis of arthritis or any tests to document its diagnosis. Conclusions: In this Chippewa population, the prevalence of and limitations due to arthritis are extremely high. Reasons for this need further investigation. The implications of these findings for Tribal and health planning include housing, community activities, and medical services needed to accommodate the needs of this group.
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    Archeological Investigation of a Knife Lake Siltstone Quarry on Amoeber Lake, Lake County, Minnesota
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2012-01) Mulholland, Susan
    Support from the Center for Community and Regional Research was used to conduct field archaeological investigations at the Amoeber 1 quarry and adjacent areas in the Knife Lake portion of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness during the 2011 archaeology field school (ANTH 4696). Six UMD students with two Federal archaeologists and the UMD instructor conducted survey (pedestrian and shovel testing) at three areas near Knife Lake. The Amoeber 1 quany locality was substantially increased and information on subsurface deposits obtained. Two adjacent lakes (Topaz and Cherry) were reviewed for potential quarries, as well as an area on Knife Lake; two new sites were recorded in the latter area. This project had a general objective of investigating the distribution of quarry sites on and near Knife Lake. The research potential of the Amoeber 1 site was expanded from the initial discovery during the 2010 field investigations. Additional work is needed to address specific research questions. Implications for public policy are that the Knife Lake siltstone bedrock deposits extend outside of Knife Lake itself and quarry/workshop sites are to be expected on nearby lake chains. Cultural resource management of this site and the potential for other sites in similar locations is mandated under Federal regulations; this research supports that effort.
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    Tobacco Intervention for Health Care Providers: Assessment and Planning
    (University of Minnesota, Duluth, 1998) Block, Derryl E; Hutton, Kenneth H
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    Report on Pre-Test Information: Evaluation of Service Leadership Project
    (University of Minnesota, Duluth, 1990) Ollenburger, Jane C
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    Addressing the Need for Increased Supervision Opportunities of Licensed Clinical Social Workers in Northeastern and Rural Minnesota
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2011) Tracey, Paula M
    New licensing standards for clinical social workers in Minnesota, including an increase in required supervision hours, took effect in August of 2011. At present, there is a shortage of clinical social workers able to provide supervision, particularly in rural communities. The shortage of clinical supervisors is a nationally and internationally recognized concern. The aim of the study was to identify if there are barriers preventing clinical social workers from becoming supervisors, and if there are resources, which may further increase supervision opportunities in the Northeastern and rural areas of Miimesota. The study utilized an exploratory mixed methods approach. This included a survey with a random sampling technique to gather data from clinical level social workers in the Northeastern and rural areas of Minnesota. Interviews with clinical social workers were also conducted to further investigate the meaning of the survey results and range of opinion on barriers to clinical supervision opportunities. The results provided key stakeholders in clinical supervision with specific information to advocate for systematic change that could increase supervision opportunities in underserved areas. This includes the use of telemental health as a venue for providing supervision, generating on-line resources for and about supervision, and finally creating learning cultures for supervision within mental health systems. The recommendations not only benefit Minnesota, they also could be useful to other states and countries with similar clinical supervision standards and demands for an increase of supervision opportunities in rural areas.
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    Psychosocial Screening of Rural Head Start Children
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2002)
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    Relative impacts of shallow vs. deep groundwater inputs on eutrophication of Roosevelt Lake: a model for central Minnesota Lakes
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2010) Mooers, Howard; Aronson, Jason
    Roosevelt Lake located in Cass and Crow Wing Counties, Minnesota, has suffered from hypolimnion hypoxiaduring the late summer. The hypoxia has led to "summer kill" of cold-water fish species such as lake trout.The cause of depleted oxygen levels in the hypolimnion is excessive loading of particulate organic mattercaused by eutrophication. Generally, lake eutrophication is linked to excessive nutrient loading from activitiesin the lake watershed such as shoreline modification by roads and residential activities, shoreline disturbance byboat traffic, and direct input of nutrients from septic systems. However, there are natural processes that canlead to increased nutrient cycling in lakes. Because of its depth, Roosevelt Lake receives groundwater inputsfrom deep confined aquifers. The water in these deep aquifers is anoxic and highly reducing and therefore highin dissolved iron and sulfate that is derived from Cretaceous and Early Tertiary bedrock. Both dissolved iron and sulfate are critical in the cycling of phosphorus that is the primary nutrient controlling eutrophication. Inaddition, preliminary assessment of groundwater inputs to the lake suggests that the flux of anoxic groundwatermay be very large; a factor that contributes to hypoxia. To investigate the role that groundwater inputs may have on hypolimnetic hypoxia, we undertook a study of groundwater and lake water chemistry. Beginning in November 2008 and continuing through Nov of 2009, rates of groundwater seepage were measured at numerous locations and chemical composition of lake water and groundwater were determined. Repeated measurements of vertical profiles of the water column were conducted at four locations; two in North Roosevelt Lake and two in the south basin of Roosevelt Lake. Analyses included temperature, pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen (DO). Groundwater samples were collected from residential and commercial wells. Samples were submitted for analysis of major cations and anions. Results of this investigation suggest that Roosevelt Lake stratifies very early and that the hypolimnion of the north basin is fully anoxic by late June. Hypolimnetic oxygen levels in the larger south basin of Roosevelt Lake decline slowly throughout the summer and do not drop to zero until October. Both basins of the lake turned over in late October and appeared to be fully mixed by November. Groundwater seepage to the lake is large, with seepage to the north basin being 2-3 times that of the south basin. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, groundwater seeps to the lake everywhere around the perimeter with thepossible exception of a small reach of shore near the stream outlet. Groundwater seeping to the lake is anoxic and high in dissolved cations, including iron. We believe that the large seepage volumes of anoxic groundwater to the north basin of Roosevelt Lake are the cause of the early (June) hypoxia in this basin. The larger south suffers the same eventual fate but more slowly because of the lower seepage rates. Although it appears that natural processes ultimately control the oxygen deficiency in the hypolimnion, eutrophication of the lake likely plays an important role. Excessive algal blooms result in high biochemical oxygen demand and hasten the onset of hypoxia.
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    Process Evaluation of the South St. Louis County DWI Court Program
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2011-04) Weidner, Robert R
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    Process Evaluation of the South St. Louis Adult Drug Court Program
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2004-12) Maahs, Jeff; Makarios, Matt; Vice, Erin; Stanek, Jessica
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    Interagency Case Management and Service Coordination in Northeastern Minnesota
    (University of Minnesota, Duluth, 1991-10-10) Karp, Joan M; Nelson, Marilyn
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    Western Waterfront Trail Extension Proposal
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2009) Follis, Samantha; Stark, Stacey; Pine, Adam
    The extension that is proposed to run through the Morgan Park community beginning in Riverside shows a great amount of economic, business, and recreational development potential. With a grassroots approach led by community involvement the Morgan Park community can develop this project by means of a low cost budget due to volunteer commitment. Environmentally this project can be low impact taking into consideration the immense amount of natural habitat that exists in the lower St. Louis River estuary. This compiled report outlines the history and development of the St. Louis River estuary, the recreational opportunities it holds, economic and property issues that may arise, and the volunteer, construction, and maintenance component of this project. Additionally, the University of Minnesota Duluth’s spring semester Geographic Information Sciences (G.I.S) Urban Analysis course created a compilation of map based scenarios relating to the proposed extension area. These maps range from neighborhood access points to various plant communities surrounding the trail area. The final map for the proposed trail was also completed through the University of Minnesota Duluth’s G.I.S program.
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    Bringing Wind Power to Local Communities
    (2007-01-22) Mageau, Mike; Stauff, Janelle; Hynum, Nicole
    Center for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD) has been working with three local communities to advance their wind power initiatives; the Grand Portage Indian Reservation, Proctor School District, and the city of Duluth. All three of the communities were working toward the installation of a community-owned wind turbine. At the time the CCRR money was awarded, each community was at a different stage of the process, some just beginning and some further along. The CSCD assisted these communities by working with community partners and providing technical assistance. We gathered wind speed data, conducted wind analyses, selected sites for the turbines, and researched turbines to determine the best fit for their wind resource.
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    Archaeology As Environmental Education: Investigations at the Bay View Point Site, Duluth, Minnesota
    (Center for Community and Regional Research, 2009-09) Jones, Jennifer E; Mulholland, Susan C
    Support from the Center For Community and Regional Research was used to conduct laboratory analysis of materials recovered from the 2008 field work at the Bay View School Forest. Three UMD students were employed to analyze the materials (lithics and a red rock cluster), complete paperwork preparatory for curation, conduct background research, compile maps for illustrations, and write draft sections for the final report. This project had several objectives. The research potential of the Bay View Point site was investigated by analysis of the materials from the site excavations in 2008. Additional work is needed to address the specific research questions but the site is recommended as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Implications for public policy are that this topographic situation on the Duluth Hillside does contain archaeological sites and should be investigated further to comply with Federal and State regulations. The place of archaeology in environmental education is further demonstrated by the enthusiastic participation of volunteers and the information that was gained from this effort.
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    The Duluth Community News Project: Examining the impact of community-based reporting on student perceptions of journalism and community
    (2008) Hatcher, John A
    This study analyzes a community-based reporting project at a Midwestern university in a city of 90,000. Qualitative pre- and post-test analysis of students’ perceptions of the community and of the journalism they were practicing found the project challenged their preconceived notions about the community they visited and of the best way to practice journalism. Students said the project took them out of their comfort zones and challenged their preconceived notions about the community they visited. The findings suggest that the experience teaches students as much about people and community as it does about journalism.
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    Process Evaluation of the North St. Louis County Drug Court
    (Center for Community and Regional Research, 2009-04) Weidner, Robert R; Zafft, Kathryn M
    This executive summary offers a synopsis of the major findings from a process evaluation of the North St. Louis County Drug Court for the first 16 months of its operation. Most of the findings are based on analyses of all 43 individuals who made at least one appearance in the drug court during the 16-month period from its inception in December 2006, through March 2008. This report addresses fundamental issues pertaining to the Court’s caseload and operation, including: A profile of drug court participants – in terms of their substance problems, charge that led to their drug court referral, criminal history and risk; The court’s efficacy in linking participants with treatment and its level of supervision of participants; Whether participants are screened into the court in a timely fashion, and progress through the three phases of the program in accordance with the drug court’s protocol; and Drug court participants’ attitudes toward the court, based on findings from a survey.
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    Stormwater Planning Initiative Project – Stormwater Management Planning Guide and Landowner-friendly IMS website tool
    (University of Minnesota Duluth, 2007-06-30) Host, George E; Hale, Cindy; Collins, Pat; Geissler, John; Axler, Richard P; Schomberg, Jesse; Granley, Mindy; Sjerven, Gerald; Brown, Terry
    Individual landowners in rapidly growing areas of the North Shore Community are increasingly required to create stormwater management plans (SMPs) prior to building. Planning development with stormwater runoff in mind is particularly important on the North Shore of Lake Superior, characterized by shallow clay-rich soils over bedrock, steep slopes, and delicate wetland complexes. While numerous organizations exist with pieces of the information required to complete a SMP, the process of collecting expertise from multiple agencies is daunting for landowners. Duluth Township recognized the environmental importance of stormwater planning by passing new zoning ordinances mandating stormwater planning in some land use zones. However, they recognized the difficulty that landowners face in creating a SMP and are committed to finding solutions. The objective of this project was to connect Duluth Township landowners to tools and resources necessary to complete a Stormwater Management Plan for their property. This pilot project features development of a user friendly Internet Map Server (IMS) tool that allows landowners to easily generate working base maps of their property. To date, IMS website tools have been largely developed by GIS professionals who are familiar with the GIS interface. When the general public tries to utilize these same tools, they typically become frustrated with the complexities of these programs, and cannot obtain the valuable information they need. This project was unique in that it was driven by extensive landowner input before, during, and after development to ensure that the tools developed achieved our objectives. Township administrators were also involved in development of the IMS tool and companion step-by-step guide so that the resulting landowner SMPs satisfied the regulatory and reporting requirements of the township. With the user-friendly IMS interface, the landowner is able to easily obtain base maps of their property containing multiple layers of the best existing data, including aerial photographs, topography, and wetlands for developing the SMP's required by the Duluth Township zoning ordinance. While there are resolution limitations to the existing wetland data, the website guides landowners on how to elaborate on this base layer of data as they conduct a site evaluation of their property. For instance, the website illustrates how to identify a small unmapped wetland and add these features to the base map. While the SMP Guide and IMS mapping tool was specifically designed and tested on Duluth Township, the project serves as a model template easily expanded to other townships along the North Shore.