Lecture Audios
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Item On Surviving Medical Atrocity: Testimony of a Survivor(2008-04-24) DeWilde, MargotItem Race and Eugenics: Minnesota and the University of Minnesota(2008-04-17) Soderstrom, MarkItem The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics(2008-03-27) Schmul, Hans-WalterItem Putting Faces to a Faceless Crime: Profiles of Nazi Euthanasia Victims(2008-04-13) Heberer, PatriciaItem Medical Apartheid(2008-02-28) Washington, HarrietItem African-American Seniors' Perspectives on Advance Care Planning: Virtue Ethics Community-Based Approach(University of Minnesota, 2012-03-27) Crump, SaundraSaundra Crump, RN, MSN, PhD with Minnesota Hartford Geriatric Nursing Education Scholar and Principal, BioEthical Solutions, Inc. presents on African-American Seniors' Perspectives on Advance Care Planning:A Virtue Ethics Community-Based ApproachItem American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa(University of Minnesota, 2012-02-28) Idris, Mohamed (MA)Mohamed Idris, MA Executive Director, American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa presents on Famine Relief, Prevention and Remittances for the Horn of Africa.Item The Gifts of the Body: Organ Procurement for Transplantation(2010-11-11) Meilaender, GilbertGilbert Meilaender, PhD,Valparaiso University & former member of President's Council on Bioethics lectures on organ procurement for transplantation.Item Boundaries and Bodies: Cultural and Religious Perspectives (Discussion)(2006-07-06) Marshall, Mary FaithQuestions from the audience and responses from presenters, moderated by Mary Faith Marshall.Item The Body on Display: Controversies and Conversations (Sacred Versus Secular: Notions of the Body from an American Indian Perspective)(2006-07-06) Moss, Margaret PIn this lecture in The Body on Display: Controversies and Conversations series,Margaret P Moss, Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing, University of Minnesota lectures on Notions of the Body from an American Indian Perspective.Item The Body on Display: Controversies and Conversations (Are We Our Bodies?)(2006-07-06) Nichols, TerryIn this lecture in The Body on Display: Controversies and Conversations series, Terry Nichols,Professor, Department of Theology, University of St Thomas, lectures on "Are We Our Bodies?".Item The Body on Display: Controversies and Conversations (Plasti-Nation: How America Was Won)(2006-07-06) Tanassi, Lucia M.In this lecture in the series of The Body on Display: Controversies and Conversations, Lucia M Tanassi, Professor of Medical Ethics and Anthropology, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, lectures on "Plasti-Nation: How America Was Won".Item The Body on Display: Controversies and Conversations (One Person's Trash, Another Person's Treasure: Von Hagen's Anatomy Road Show)(2006-07-06) Schulte-Sasse, LindaIn this lecture in The Body on Display: Controversies and Conversations series, Linda Schulte-Sasse, Chair, Department of Germanic Studies, at Macalester College lectures on Von Hagen's Anatomy Road Show.Item Boundaries and Bodies: Cultural and Religious Perspectives (Connecting Terms and Times)(2006-07-06) Allison, KirkIn The Bodies and Boundaries, Culture and Religion series, Kirk Allison, Associate Program Director, Program for Human Rights in Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women's Health at the University of Minnesota lectures on Connecting Terms and Times.Item Bioethics and Moral Pluralism(2008-04-03) Marshall, Mary FaithH. Tristram Engelhardt, MD, PhD from Rice University Department of Philosophy and Mary Faith Marshall, PhD from the U of M Center for Medical Humanities and the Arts, Center for Bioethics lectures on Bioethics and Moral Pluralism.Item Darfur! Responding to a Public Health Disaster(2009-02-11) Brahma, As hisAshis Brahma, MD, lectures on responding to public health disaster in Darfur.Item Forgotten No More! (Part 2)(2009-04-17) Rosenthal, EricEric Rosenthal, JD, lectures on part two of Forgotten No More! regarding International Human Rights Advocacy for Persons with Mental Disabilities and the new UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesItem Forgotten No More! (Part 1)(2009-04-17) Rosenthal, EricEric Rosenthal, JD, lectures on part one of Forgotten No More! regarding International Human Rights Advocacy for Persons with Mental Disabilities and the new UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.Item Public Interest, Public Health, and Political Hubris: The Making of Tobacco Litigation and United States v. Philip Morris(2010-02-19) Eubanks, SharonMs. Eubanks, the former U.S. Justice Department case attorney gives a lecture on the making of tobacco litigation and United States v. Philip Morris.Item Treatment Behind Bars? Evidence-based Treatment For Addiction in Correctional Settings: Access, Ethics and Human Rights(2010-04-05) Bruce, R. DouglasThis a lecture given by R. Douglas Bruce on evidence based treatment for addiction in correctional settings.