CTS Research E-News (2003-2012)

Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/167900

This collection contains issues of CTS Research E-News that were delivered electronically from 2003 until April 2012. The CTS Catalyst replaced CTS Research E-News beginning in July 2012.

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Now showing 1 - 20 of 89
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    CTS Research E-News (November 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-11) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy & Planning, Research refines understanding of land use and accessibility, Causes and effects of suburban development probed, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Computational techniques improve vehicle tracking, Transportation and the Environment, Low-sodium diet recommended for Minnesota aquifers, Transportation Infrastructure, Researchers discuss expanding use of intelligent compaction, Events, Fall seminars present a spectrum of transportation research, Upcoming Events
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    CTS Research E-News (October 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-10) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy & Planning, University, CTS welcome new transportation policy researcher, Transportation and the Environment, Researchers improve stormwater runoff model for construction projects, Total cost of ownership drives fleet management model, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking If you build it, will they ride? Research examines the impact of new bicycle facilities, TCRP research publications available online, Transportation Infrastructure, New bridge technique holding up well after two years, Announcements, Call for Presentations: 2009 research conference, Upcoming, Events, Access to Destinations Study workshops scheduled in November
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    CTS Research E-News (September 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-09) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy & Planning, Legislature funds University study of ‘value capture’ for transportation finance, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Motorcycles and alcohol: Research examines a dangerous combination, Transportation and the Environment, Roadside trash – the latest Minnesota crop?, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online, Transportation Infrastructure, Frost heave research targets ride quality in cold climates, Safety, University of Minnesota researchers map out America's deadliest roads, Changeable Message Sign research aims to increase effectiveness of messages, Upcoming Events, Advanced Transportation Technologies Seminar: Summary of Research Activities at the Center for Sustainable Mobility and More
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    CTS Research E-News (July-August 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-07) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Transportation and the Environment, Researchers say action needed now to meet greenhouse gas emissions goals, Policy & Planning,, Access to Destinations Study reports examine non-auto travel, metro-wide simulation, Journal of Transport and Land Use debuts, Bridge collapse shows researchers a rare view of network disruption, adaptation Oberstar Forum proceedings available, Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITS presentations at CTS Research Conference show breadth of research, Safety and Security, Research seeks to save more lives by improving EMS response time, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online, Upcoming Events, Fall Maintenance Expo, Toward Zero Deaths Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (June 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-06) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Transportation and the Environment, Researcher announces ethanol findings, Greenhouse gas seminars highlight health effects, policy options, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Research explores privacy, legal implications of emerging ITS technologies, Driving simulation used to evaluate traveler information systems, Transportation Infrastructure, Research produces guidelines for asphalt pavement rehabilitation, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online, Upcoming Events, MnROAD Open House, Toward Zero Deaths Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (May 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-05) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy and Planning, Metro project demonstrates equity aspects of public transit decisions, Transportation and the Environment, Giving native species an advantage in wetland restorations, Intelligent Transportation Systems, RFID research supports new transportation applications, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online, Transportation Infrastructure, Test rolling methods put to the test by new models, Upcoming Events, Fall Maintenance Expo, Toward Zero Deaths Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (April 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-04) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Safety, Policy and Planning, New faculty enhance transportation expertise at Minnesota, Transportation and the Environment, Sampling methods target invasive weed control, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Report evaluates freight performance measures, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online, Transportation Infrastructure, Research analyzes conversion options for four-lane undivided highways, Upcoming Events, Greenhouse Gas Seminar, CTS Transportation Research Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (March 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-03) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy and Planning, Modeling the past to understand the future, New book examines “Place and Plexus”, Transportation and the Environment, Greenhouse gas study brings national experts to Minnesota, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online, Transportation Infrastructure, Research supports column-supported embankments, Upcoming Events, ITS Minnesota Annual Meeting, Greenhouse Gas Seminars, Oberstar Forum on Transportation Policy and Technology, CTS Transportation Research Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (February 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-02) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy and Planning, Research completed for AIA transportation design study, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Haptic feedback research explores driver cognition issues, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online Journal of Public Transportation, Transportation Infrastructure, Prestressed concrete beam standards examined, Transportation and the Environment, Stormwater research to influence state, national standards, Upcoming Events, Minnesota Pavement Conference, Transportation Career Expo, Oberstar Forum on Transportation Policy and Technology, CTS Transportation Research Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (January 2008)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-01) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: TRB Annual Meeting, University of Minnesota, Mn/DOT presenters at TRB Annual Meeting, Policy & Planning, Second Access to Destinations conference features national and international perspectives, Transportation Infrastructure, Low temperature pavement cracking research benefits from new testing methods, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportation seminar series mixes policy and technology studies, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online Journal of Public Transportation, Safety Cultural factors seen as crucial to improving rural safety, Upcoming Events, Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting CTS Winter Luncheon, 12th Annual Minnesota Pavement Conference, 19th Annual CTS Transportation Research Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (November 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-11) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Announcements, New features on CTS Web site: search engine, research topics, and more, Policy and Planning, Second Access to Destinations conference features national and international research perspectives, Intelligent Transportation Systems, A new solution to a slippery winter problem, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, TCRP research publications available online, Transportation and the Environment, Biological control of a thorny pest, Safety, Evacuation research nets additional federal funds, Upcoming Events, CTS Freight and Logistics Symposium Access to Destinations Study workshop CTS Winter Luncheon
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    CTS Research E-News (October 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-10) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Safety, Researchers mapping fatality data to better understand the risks of rural roads, , Intelligent Transportation Systems, Advanced Transportation Technologies seminars highlight active research, Annual Report presents a year of ITS Institute research, Policy and Planning, Conflict management initiative gets early results, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, National Transit News, Upcoming Events, CTS 20th Anniversary Celebration Access to Destinations Study workshop Freight and Logistics Forum
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    CTS Research E-News (September 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-09) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy and Planning, Oberstar Forum to focus on nation’s transportation infrastructure, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Final rural intersection safety reports: technology to prevent crashes, Advanced Transportation Technologies Seminar series, Civil engineering researcher gets SMART, Safety, Technology to help teens drive safely, Transportation Infrastructure, New design requirements for Minnesota low-volume concrete pavements, Upcoming Events, James M. Oberstar conference on Transportation Policy and Technology, ITS Minnesota Fall Forum, CTS 20th Anniversary Reception, Minnesota Public Transit Conference, CTS Freight and Logistics Symposium
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    CTS Research E-News (July-August 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-07) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy and Planning, CTS to host new online academic journal, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Minnesota Traffic Observatory opens its eyes on complex transportation issues, Papers win awards, Transit, Bicycling, and Walking, Researchers improve the calculation of travel times for transit, cycling, and walking, National Transit News, Transportation Infrastructure, Soil properties research to improve mechanistic pavement design, Upcoming Events, Access to Destinations Conference, Toward Zero Deaths Conference 2007 James M. Oberstar Forum on Transportation Policy and Technology
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    CTS Research E-News (June 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-06) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Safety, How hot is HEAT? Evaluating Minnesota's speed management program, Researchers aim to better understand rural road safety, Transit, Bicycling, & Walking, Research examines route choice by bicyclists, National transit news, Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITS Institute launches redesigned Web site, Ramp metering: researchers continue to refine Twin Cities system, Transportation Infrastructure, The economics of bridge deck replacement, Upcoming Events, Mid-continent transportation symposium, Toward Zero Deaths conference, Access to Destinations conference, MnROAD facility tour
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    CTS Research E-News (May 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-05) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy & Planning, Second Access to Destinations conference coming in August, MnPASS project wins award, Transportation knowledge networks: Shaping the future of transportation information access, Transit, Bicycling, & Walking, Safety of pedestrian and bicycle travel in Minnesota, National transit news, Intelligent Transportation Systems, University of Minnesota researchers address ITS Minnesota annual meeting and information exchange, Transportation Infrastructure, MnROAD Lessons Learned: A history of innovative pavement research, Upcoming Events Access to Destinations Conference, Toward Zero Deaths Conference, 2007 AirTAP Fall Forum
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    CTS Research E-News (April 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-04) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy & Planning, Seminar highlights research on well-designed transportation projects, As commute times increase, research asks why, Transit & Alternative Modes, Hennepin County, U of M form transitway research program, National transit news, Intelligent Transportation Systems, “Tags” in the road promise smarter vehicle location systems, Safety & Security, Research examines left-turn safety risks, Transportation Infrastructure, Recycled asphalt pavement makes the (sub) grade, Upcoming Events, Annual Research Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (March 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-03) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy & Planning, Asking the Right Questions About Transportation and Land Use: First research summary released Balancing roads and transit to meet future transportation needs, Safety & Security, Report offers guidance for applying rumble strips at rural intersections, Transportation Infrastructure, Busting bridges in the laboratory, Transit & Alternative Modes, Getting to know transit riders National transit news, Announcements, 2007 CTS Transportation Research Conference May 1–2, Upcoming Events, Annual Research Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (February 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-02) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy & Planning, Reports examine behaviors and needs of transportation disadvantaged, Intelligent Transportation Systems, The less-than-perfect driver: a new model of car-following behavior, Safety & Security, The Center for Excellence in Rural Safety launches Web site SECTTRA adds transportation security researcher, Transportation Infrastructure, New techniques shed light on load limits for horizontally curved steel girder bridges, Transportation & the Environment, Can dry detention ponds mitigate pollution in stormwater runoff?, Transit & Alternative Modes, National transit news, Announcements, 2006 CTS Annual Report now available, Upcoming Events, Access to Destinations workshop, Career Expo, and Annual Research Conference
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    CTS Research E-News (January 2007)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2007-01) Center for Transportation Studies
    Articles include: Policy & Planning, Study explores 'hidden' transportation system, Safety & Security, Researchers discuss new findings at Toward Zero Deaths Conference, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Minnesota researchers join Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems initiative, Transportation Infrastructure, CE names associate director of Pavement Research Institute, Transportation & the Environment, Flexible models help select erosion control measures for construction sites, Transit & Alternative Modes, National transit news, Announcements, University of Minnesota, Mn/DOT, Metropolitan Council presenters at TRB Annual Meeting, Upcoming Events