CASCW Podcast
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CASCW is committed to connecting child welfare professionals to relevant and accessible training resources. CASCW brings you the latest in research, policy, and practice via the CASCW Podcast. The podcast covers a wide range of topics and will feature interviews with researchers, policy makers, frontline child welfare workers, community members, youth, and many others.
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Item Working With Undocumented & Asylum-Seeking Families Episode 3: Considerations for Practice(2024-11-06) Carlson, Will; Smith, Amy; Franklin, LizSeeking asylum is an act of resilience and protection. This final episode of the three-part series focuses on the implications for direct practice social work with families who are seeking or navigating asylum. Amy Smith, Clinical Faculty and Director of Social Work Services at the Interprofessional Center for Counseling and Legal Services at the University of St. Thomas and Liz Franklin, Director of Behavioral Health at Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES), discuss how to join with families as a social worker, considerations for establishing and sustaining trust, contextualizing care, navigating benefits eligibility, and sustaining yourself as a social work practitioner.Item Working With Undocumented & Asylum-Seeking Families Episode 2: Understanding Asylum(2024-11-06) Carlson, Will; Brenes, SarahAsylum is complex and can take a long time. Episode two of this three-part series does a deeper dive into the process of asylum in the United States. Hear about the different types of asylum, the requirements, and the challenges of legally acquiring status, as well as the avenues of support that are available for families. You'll hear from immigration attorney Sarah Brenes (Binger Center for New Americans, University of Minnesota Law School) about how the complexities of the asylum process can impact asylum-seeking families, the history of and recent changes to these processes, and what this means for child welfare professionals who work with these families.Item Working With Undocumented & Asylum-Seeking Families Episode 1: Collaboration in Minnesota(2024-11-06) Martinson, Kaja; Carlson, Will; Sanders, Jeanette; Hull, Michele; Wilhite, KitDon't panic, collaborate! You’ll hear about this advice and more in episode one of this three-part series focused on considerations for child welfare and county workers who encounter families who are navigating the asylum process, are currently undocumented, or have mixed documentation status within the family. In this episode, you'll learn about local changes occurring in Minnesota by exploring a collaboration that occurred in 2023 in Hennepin County. You'll hear from school and county staff who faced the challenges of change by collaborating across sectors, learning from neighboring districts, and keeping their focus on relationships.Item The Practice Space Episode 6: Encountering Grief and Navigating Activations(2024-07-08) Remke, Stacy; Remke, SaraIn this episode of The Practice Space, we discuss grief. Our own grief, plus that of others. We all carry unprocessed, unassimilated experiences that we hold within our own energetic space. These experiences can be triggered by others, and they can really rattle us and we don't always know why. If something hasn't been assimilated within us it lights up! When things light up for us, it can be uncomfortable. But, it's important to remember that it is not a failure, but an opportunity to process and build more space for yourself. The more you allow your grief, the more you are able to take part in joy and life.Item The Practice Space Episode 5: Building our Meditation Muscles(2024-07-08) Remke, Stacy; Remke, SaraEnergy exchange is happening all the time, all around us. Your own personal, emotional space that you carry with you wherever you go accumulates finished and unfinished interactions, and these can sit in your space and create discomfort. In this episode of The Practice Space, experience a guided meditation and clearing practice where you can dive deeper and learn ways to find more room for yourself and discern what belongs to you and what you need to let go.Item The Practice Space Episode 4: Rocks and Hard Places: Developing skills for sustaining ourselves in practice(2024-07-08) Remke, Stacy; Remke, SaraIn this episode of The Practice Space, learn about the importance of developing skills to guide human interactions, especially in practice settings that may be uniquely challenging. Some professional arenas can include chronic stress for workers (such as with child welfare and palliative care), and we can also experience isolation and difficulty talking about our experiences with others. Caring for yourself includes cultivating human connections where you can talk about and deal with tough and complex issues, together.Item The Practice Space Episode 3: Finding the Well: Replenishing Ourselves Through Practice(2024-07-08) Remke, Stacy; Remke, SaraIn this episode of The Practice Space, learn about ways to retain your neutrality and openness as you navigate challenging energies and intense emotional situations. Hear about some simple daily habits that you can use to ground yourself to be present and encounter each unique situation as it is, not as you might imagine or prefer it to be.Item The Practice Space Episode 2: Removing Clutter: Clearing and Grounding through meditation practices(2024-07-08) Remke, Stacy; Remke, SaraIn this episode of The Practice Space, learn about ways to navigate the intense energies associated with trauma that you may be exposed to in your work. Gently clearing your own energy space helps to create spaciousness for others while allowing them to find their own resilience. This episode shows us how to redirect energy and to be compassionate in a more holistic way.Item The Practice Space Episode 1: Creating Space In and for Ourselves in Practice: An Introduction(2024-07-08) Remke, Stacy; Remke, SaraThere is a movement of energy in, through and around each of us. Meditation can be an incredible tool to help us respond to these energies. People who enter into professions such as child welfare tend to be sensitive and empathetic, and are naturally more impacted by the energy of others. Finding ways to address these energies and messages can be profoundly helpful. This initial episode of The Practice Space offers an introduction to the meditation skills that can help us to build resistance and better sustain ourselves in practice.Item A Guide Through ICWA & MIFPA Episode 6: Placement Preference(2023-12-03) Owen, Carrie; Miller, Cindi; Smith, RichieIn this final episode of a Guide through ICWA & MIFPA, the hosts discuss placement preference and considerations that child welfare workers must make according to state law. The order of preference is discussed as follows: 1) A member of an Indian child's extended family 2) A foster home or license approved or specified by an Indian child's tribe 3) Indian Foster home licensed, approved by a authorized non-Indian license authority and 4) an institution for children approved by an Indian tribe, or operated by the Indian organization with a program suitable to meet the Indian child's needs. Hosts respond to FAQs and best practices as well.Item A Guide Through ICWA & MIFPA Episode 5: Qualified Expert Witness(2023-11-27) Owen, Carrie; Rosette, SommerDey; Smith, RichieIn this episode, you will learn the laws that qualified expert witness (QEW) covers in both ICWA and MIFPA. The episode also shares best practices, frequently asked questions and a story from an ICWA Compliance Consultant.Item A Guide Through ICWA & MIFPA Episode 4: Active Efforts(2023-11-20) Owen, Carrie; Miller, Cindi; Smith, RichieThis episode discusses how Active Efforts is covered under both ICWA Act and also under MIFPA. Active Efforts under ICWA deals with remedial service and rehabilitative programs or preventive measures. Under MIFPA, active efforts includes acknowledging traditional helping and healing systems of an Indian child's tribe and using these systems as core to help and heal the Indian child and family. The episode will also address frequently asked questions regarding Active Efforts.Item A Guide Through ICWA & MIFPA Episode 3: Indian Child Welfare (ICWA) Notice(2023-11-12) Owen, Carrie; Rosette, SommerDey; Smith, RichieThis episode addresses the types of proceedings and who should receive the ICWA Notice. The hosts review frequently asked questions regarding ICWA Notice.Item A Guide Through ICWA & MIFPA Episode 2: Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act (MIFPA) Notice(2023-11-03) Owen, Carrie; Rosette, SommerDay; Smith, RichieThis episode outlines the purpose of the MIFPA Notice, which is intended to involve the Indian child's tribe at the earliest point possible. Early engagement and collaboration between the child welfare agency and tribes and the establishment of a good working relationship can lead to better outcomes for Indian children and their families. The episode also addresses frequently asked questions regarding MIFPA Notice and best practices.Item A Guide Through ICWA & MIFPA Episode 1: Inquiry(2023-10-30) Owen, Carrie; Miller, Cindi; Smith, RichieThis episode describes the process of Inquiry and how it is considered an active effort. Local social service agencies and private licensed child placement agencies are responsible for finding out if a child has Indian heritage. This episode will also answer frequently asked questions and share best practices regarding Inquiry.Item A Guide Through ICWA & MIFPA Episode 0: Introduction: Why is ICWA Important?(2023-10-18) Owen, CarrieThis episode outlines the federal ICWA requirements that apply to all state child custody proceedings involving native children. The hosts will also provide the background of MIFPA and its amendments that strengthen and expand parts of ICWA.Item Ending Student Homelessness Episode 5: Interview with Rinal Ray(2023-01-19) Blue, Misty; Rinal, RayRinal Ray is the Interim Executive Director at People Serving People. She leads a dynamic team in responding to the crisis of family homelessness and works to change systems to prevent the experience of family homelessness in Hennepin County. Rinal is a former deputy public policy director for the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits where she advanced the organization’s policy agenda at a state and local level, trained leaders on nonprofit advocacy, and lead special legal projects for the statewide association. Rinal currently serves as a co-chair for the Voices & Choices Coalition for Children and is on the Board of College Possible Minnesota. She teaches Nonprofit Advocacy in the Masters in Advocacy and Political Leadership (MAPL) program at Metropolitan State University.Item Ending Student Homelessness Episode 4: Interview with Marybeth Shinn(2023-01-19) Blue, Misty; Shinn, MarybethMarybeth (Beth) Shinn is a Cornelius Vanderbilt professor at Vanderbilt University who studies how to prevent and end homelessness. She was co-principal investigator of the 12-site Family Options experiment examining approaches to ending family homelessness, the evaluator for the initial study of the Pathways Housing First program in New York City, and the developer of a model used by that city to target its homelessness prevention services. Her 2020 book with Jill Khadduri, In the midst of plenty: Homelessness and what to do about it (Wiley], surveys research to show that we know how to end homelessness, if we devote the necessary resources to doing so. Beth has received research or publication awards from the Society for Community Research and Action, the Society for Research on Adolescence, and the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. She serves on her local Homeless Planning Council and on the Research Council for the National Alliance to End Homelessness.Item Ending Student Homelessness Episode 3: Interview with Charlotte Kinzley(2023-01-19) Blue, Misty; Kinzley, CharlotteCharlotte Kinzley is the Homeless/Highly Mobile Manager for Minneapolis Public Schools where she supports students and families experiencing homelessness. Over the past 20 years she has developed programming and initiatives in family shelters and supportive housing facilities in Minneapolis. Her focus in this work has been to support the development of young people and to advocate for the importance of stable housing for all families. She currently serves as co-chair of the Hennepin County Family Coordinated Entry Leadership Committee and is a member of the Operations Board for Hennepin County’s Continuum of Care. She helps coordinate the Stable Homes Stable Schools initiative which includes a recent expansion through a Homework Starts with Home grant.Item Ending Student Homelessness Episode 2: Homework Starts with Home: Greater Minnesota Part 2(2023-01-19) Blue, Misty; Wilkie, Brandi; Riccio, Amy; Neeland-Martinez, Sierra; Calixte, ChandraThis episode features four professionals working together to address homelessness in Northwestern, Minnesota: Brandi Wilkie is the Rental Assistance Specialist for Clay County HRA; Amy Riccio is the Transitional Student Support and Homeless Liasion for Moorhead School District; Sierra Neeland-Martinez is the Youth Self-Sufficiency Advocate for Lakes and Prairies Community Action; Chandra Calixte is the Family Case Manager for Churches United Micah’s Mission. Take a listen to this two-part episode where the group of professionals is in conversation about challenges and opportunities to address homelessness within their respective roles.