"Strategic Positioning / Transforming the U" Materials
Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/489
Historical note: In September 2004, President Robert Bruininks announced the launch of a systemwide self-assessment and planning process known initially as "strategic positioning." The goal was to make the University of Minnesota "one of the top three public research universities in the world within a decade."
Collection description: Documentation of the Strategic Positioning effort was shared broadly with the University community and the public via the University's website. This documentation includes reports, charge letters, presentations, publicity materials, and the project websites themselves. Of particular value are the drafts and final versions of the reports of the task forces, whose recommendations became the basis for decisions about the future of the University. Many of those recommendations and reports are available here for searching and download.
For access to an archived view of the Strategic Positioning / Transforming the U websites, please see https://archive-it.org/collections/327.
Recent Submissions
Item Transforming the University of Minnesota: Final Recommendations of the Task Force on Undergraduate Reform: Student Support(University of Minnesota, 2006-02-03) Maple, Kate; Wright, RobinItem The University of Minnesota Is on the Move(University of Minnesota, 2006-11) University of Minnesota. Office of University RelationsItem Advancing the Public Good: Transforming the University of Minnesota into a World-Class Research University: Academic Initiatives Update(University of Minnesota, 2007) University of Minnesota: Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; Sullivan, E. ThomasItem Achieving Excellence: Academic Strategic Positioning 2005–2010(University of Minnesota, 2011) University of Minnesota: Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and ProvostIn late 2004 the University of Minnesota launched a comprehensive strategic positioning effort. On March 11, 2005, the Board of Regents unanimously approved the goal to be one of the top three public research universities within a decade.Item Transforming the U Progress and Impact(University of Minnesota, 2011) Bruininks, Robert H.Strategic alignment—between aspirations and goals; between goals and strategies; and between strategies and specific priorities and decisions—is absolutely essential to truly transformative change...to ensure that the momentum we’ve built over the past six years is, in fact, carrying us toward a better future, this report was constructed around the following question: To become a top public research university, what areas of focus absolutely must be addressed? Reflecting on this question, 13 essential areas were identified upon which a strong public university should focus its resources and expertise in order to become world class.Item Defining the St. Paul Campus: A Working Draft(University of Minnesota, 2008-02-18) University of MinnesotaIn 2007, Provost Sullivan charged the seven St. Paul deans, convened by Kate VandenBosch and Bob Kvavik, to identify themes defining the mission of the St. Paul campus for the future. Ideally, these themes will unify clusters of research and academic programs and bring new energy to the campus. A desired outcome is to use the clusters to identify campus precincts aligned with the themes. The defined themes will also provide context for assigning new programmatic initiatives to St. Paul, planning new research facilities in St. Paul, aligning building use with academic priorities, and maximizing use of classroom space.Item Keeping Ahead of the Future: A Blueprint of the Institute for the Advancement of Science and Engineering (IASE)(University of MInnesota: Provost's Advisory Committee for the Advancement of Science and Engineering, 2007-06-12) Neuhauser, Claudia; Berman, Judith; Dahlberg, Daniel; Ebner, Timothy J.; Ekker, Stephen C.; Goodge, John; Gunnar, Megan; Kumar, Vipin; Longmire, Ellen; Mantell, Susan; McGue, Matthew; Paller, Mark S.; Phillips, Ronald; Siegel, Ronald; Sotiropoulos, Fotis; Young, Nevin; Himes, KatherineThe Institute for the Advancement of Science and Engineering will be a system-wide, premier research institute dedicated to contributing knowledge and providing solutions to great challenges that require multidisciplinary approaches across the sciences and engineering. It will establish the University of Minnesota as a leader in interdisciplinary research at the intersection of biological, chemical, physical, engineering, and computational sciences. The hallmarks of this institute are excellence, faculty engagement, and focused investments to maximize the impact of the Institute.Item A Blueprint for Creating The Institute on the Environment for the University of Minnesota(University of MInnesota: Provost's Advisory Committee for the Institute on the Environment, 2006-09-25) Swackhamer, Deborah; Polasky, Stephen; Foufoula-Georgiou, Efi; Johnson, Lucinda; Kapuscinski, Anne; Karkkainen, Bradley; McMurry, Peter; Mulla, David; Reich, Peter; Thorleifson, Harvey; Tilman, David; Binks, JonathanIn the words of University of Minnesota President Robert H. Bruininks: “The environment poses such a broad and important array of interrelated issues that the participation of scholars from diverse fields will be critical to our efforts to understand and offer solutions to protect our natural world.” This document lays out the anticipated role, structure and operation, or “blueprint,” of a new University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment (IonE).Item Strategic Positioning Poster(University of Minnesota, 2006-05) University of Minnesota: Office of the PresidentItem Transforming the University: Culture Task Force Report Summary(University of Minnesota, 2007-07-25) University of Minnesota: Culture Task ForceTo aid further in defining the culture, the task force, with the help of its President’s Emerging Leaders team, conducted eleven focus groups from January through March 2006, with a total of 82 participants. Focus groups included undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students; faculty; and P&A, Civil Service, and Bargaining Unit staff. The sessions were held on the Twin Cities, Crookston, Duluth, and Morris campuses. Concurrently, twenty-three senior university administrators were interviewed from February through April 2006. This work captures a snapshot in time of University culture from key campus audiences while those groups and the University are in the midst of the Strategic Positioning process.Item Advancing the Public Good: Transforming the U(University of Minnesota, 2006) University of Minnesota: Office of the PresidentItem Transforming the U for the 21st Century(University of Minnesota, 2007-09) Bruininks, Robert H.In July 2004, the Board of Regents set the goal of raising the University’s profile as a world-class research and land-grant university system. Within weeks, University leadership launched Transforming the U, a systemwide strategic positioning initiative that has provided a comprehensive plan for the future.Item Transforming the University: Final Recommendations of the Task Force on Undergraduate Reform: Writing(University of Minnesota, 2006-02-03) Gurak, Laura; Ross, Donald, Jr.Implementing the Baccalaureate Writing Initiative will define us as the leading university for undergraduate writing instruction, curriculum, and research. Taken as a whole, this Writing Initiative will strengthen the overall University writing experience for all undergraduate students. To realize this goal, the University of Minnesota should implement the following four interconnected recommendations.Item Transforming the University: Report of the Academic Task Force on College Design: Small Colleges(University of Minnesota, 2006-03-15) Bardouche, Suzanne; Bryson, JohnThe focus of the task force charge is on administrative services in support of the University’s teaching, research, and service missions. Teaching, research, and service per se are thus not included in the charge. In addition, the charge focuses primarily on small colleges. We believe, however, that the task force findings are broadly applicable to administrative services within and across colleges, departments, and units at the University as a whole.Item Resolution on Strategic Planning(University of Minnesota, 2005-04-28) University of Minnesota: University SenateItem Transforming the University: Recommendations of the Task Force on Research Infrastructure(University of Minnesota, 2006-05-05) Campbell, Steve; Jenkins, MarcThis report contains many specific recommendations that would improve operations and efficiencies within the U of M research infrastructure system. In order to achieve the University’s stated goal of becoming one of the top three public research universities, however, it is clear that major capital investments will be necessary, particularly in the five research areas that this report highlights. Minor new investments and gains achieved by reorganization and increases in efficiency will not be sufficient. Central administration, through its respective Foundations, must improve its solicitation of financial support for major research infrastructure projects from Minnesota-based companies, who are the primary beneficiaries of U of M research both directly, such as with the Cargill Building for Microbial and Plant Genomics, and indirectly through graduate and professional training.Item Transforming the University: Recommendations of the Task Force on Collaborative Research(University of Minnesota, 2006-05-01) Lawrenz, Frances; Paller, Mark S.The task force envisions a University that will be known internationally for its innovation and excellence in collaborative research and scholarship and for the ease with which collaborations are established. This substantive and culturally supportive environment will attract highly talented investigators and team leaders from all over the world. Our vision requires a new model which incorporates supportive policies and procedures and an infrastructure with facilities, equipment, and resources that fosters interaction and removes administrative and logistical barriers.Item Policy Improvement Project(University of Minnesota, 2006) University of Minnesota: Policy Improvement ProjectThe University Policy Improvement Project is a comprehensive effort to ensure University policies support the University's mission and strategic goals, meet the needs of the University community, and minimize risk to the University and its employees. The 2 phases of the project are outlined in this report.Item Transforming the University: Report to the Systemwide Academic Task Force on PreK-12 Strategy(University of Minnesota, 2005-12-12) Harvey, Patricia; Maruyama, GeoffreyWithin Minnesota, the University of Minnesota possesses the unique capacity to generate ongoing and systemic research that will improve the lives of all Minnesotans. This capacity is particularly critical in preK-12 education, where separating what is believed from what is known through research is critical for the success of education. The University has a history of extensive engagement with preK-12 schools around research, 3 teaching, and outreach that touches all parts of the University and includes programs that represent the best in partnerships—enduring, collaborative, complementary, and focused on issues of importance to the University and Minnesota. Nevertheless, successes have been limited by the way the engagements have been structured, largely as individual initiatives rather than as ordered and integrated activities. The task force recommendations frame and organize efforts, increasing their coherence and coordination without limiting faculty efforts to pursue personal research interests.Item Transforming the University: Final Report of the Metrics and Measurements Task Force(University of Minnesota, 2006-05-04) Sullivan, Alfred D.The Metrics and Measurements Task Force was charged to identify appropriate measures to assess the University’s performance and its progress toward achieving the aspirational goal of becoming one of the top public research universities in the world within the decade. This report presents results addressing the six specific elements of the task force’s charge.