Scott Spicer

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    Video Investigation and Solutions Modeling: Ecosystem Health Grand Challenges (A Case Study)
    (ALA Editions, 2022-02) Spicer, Scott
    This chapter describes a case study of the student-created media assignment for the Grand Challenges Course (Ecosystem Health) at the University of Minnesota whereby students created a video that blends the video investigation and solutions model genres requiring background information, multi-perspectival stakeholder analysis, systems mapping, a proposed innovative solution, and unintended consequences related to an Ecosystem Health challenging topic. Additional chapter coverage includes the collaboration between the instructional team and project support staff; library research, and media creation support provided; final project assessment criteria; and the rich benefits of these projects that in some cases resulted in long term transformative effects for the students, instructors, and project support staff that continued beyond the classroom walls.
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    Course Outreach
    (ALA Editions, 2022-02) Spicer, Scott
    This chapter describes course outreach strategies and topic coverage for student-created media project support including: project specific guidance on research support; an overview of the media-creation workflows for both traditional documentary style projects and personal narrative digital story projects; tips on composition and technical media production; campus, library, and online media-creation support options; development of customized media-creation support resource guides; in-class media-creation workshops; copyright and fair use considerations for media projects; academic integrity (citation and attribution) considerations for media projects; subject interviews; accessibility (captioning and transcription) considerations for media projects; and sharing, publishing, and distributing considerations for media projects.
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    Perspectives on the Role of Instructional Video in Higher Education: Evolving Pedagogy, Copyright Challenges, and Support Models
    (Routledge, 2018-02) Spicer, Scott
    The growth of online video has contributed to this format becoming an ever ubiquitous part of the way we communicate in our cultural and instructional contexts. Just as this digital environment provides amazing new possibilities for teaching and learning, copyright law presents some unique challenges to fully realizing this potential. This chapter briefly describes how changes to commercial instructional video formats and copyright law have intersected with educational use over time. To illustrate this evolution, this chapter highlights contemporary teaching and learning uses of commercial streaming video with related benefits, while articulating a diverse range of [primarily academic library based] campus media program approaches implemented to expand streaming video access in the face of a challenging commercial instructional video Copyright law and marketplace environment.
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    How Did that Get in There?: Streaming Media in the Land of Discovery
    (2012-11-08) Kaplanian, Harry; Spicer, Scott; Wood, Aaron
    Audio and video content have had a history of isolation from mainstream discovery and delivery in large part due to the complexities of the lending systems that have developed around them. These systems have dictated a concentration on the carrier over the content and resulted in multiple barriers to use. Streaming media offer a chance to remove these barriers by eliminating the systems involved and allowing the content to shine through the carrier. Given the advent of YouTube and everything it entails, users are clearly ready for this shift, but are multimedia content providers, library service providers, and librarians? Over the past several years, there has been an increasing demand for audio and video streaming collections in libraries. The overhead required for an academic institution to provide streaming audio and video services to users has been prohibitive, and collection budgets in general have shifted heavily toward electronic resources. As a result, eyes have turned to online, virtual solutions, but have minds turned, too? Books and journals seem to continue to rule many of the ways in which the library world considers and treats its content, from catalog records and online delivery to standards development and coverage in library systems. Are streaming videos included in A-Z title lists? Do link resolvers deliver streaming audio content? Do discovery systems cover the elements users need to find streaming video and audio? Does fulltext have meaning in video or audio? This presentation covers the challenges that content providers, library service providers, and librarians face in ensuring the fullest possible coverage of streaming media in today’s discovery landscape. The focus is on the collaborative efforts needed from all of these parties to make audio and video content an intrinsic part of the library-learning environment.
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    Exploring Video Abstracts in Science Journals: An Overview and Case Study
    (Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 2014-03-02) Spicer, Scott
    INTRODUCTION The video abstract has emerged in recent years as a new way of communicating the results of scholarly enquiry. For library-based journal publishers who want to support multimodal scholarship, it is useful to understand the potential benefit and impact of incorporating video abstracts into their publications. This paper provides an overview of the growth of video abstracts in science scholarship, and presents a single journal case study that compares the use and potential impact of video abstracts hosted on both YouTube and on a journal’s own website. METHODS For the case study, video abstract usage data for the New Journal of Physics (NJP) was gathered from both YouTube and the NJP native platform and then correlated using a Spearman rank correlation coefficient test to analyze viewing usage. Viewership data from both platforms was also correlated with article usage counts using Spearman to study the relationship between article usage and corresponding video abstract usage. RESULTS Users predominantly accessed the journal’s hosted video abstracts instead of the abstracts posted on YouTube. However, there was a moderate positive correlation comparing view counts of the same video abstracts across both platforms, suggesting proportionate use of both platforms. In addition, the top 25 and 100 read articles had a significantly higher presence of video abstracts than articles overall in the data set, although a specific reason for that relationship cannot be identified. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION Video abstracts are a natural evolution of science communication into multimodal environments. Publishing trends will likely continue to grow gradually, with appreciation for non-traditional scholarship (multimodal scholarship) and new measures for assessing impact (altmetrics) potentially encouraging greater adoption. Librarybased journal publishers should consider investing in software that offers dynamic media integration, offering the video abstract option to their authors, and leveraging YouTube to further raise the visibility of their authors’ research articles and publication. Library-based publishers should have some expectation that the video abstracts will be viewed relatively proportionally across platforms (i.e. a video abstract that receives a higher or lower view count on the journal’s website is moderately more likely to also receive a higher or lower view count on YouTube), with the majority of total views (for all videos) coming from the journal’s website. Subject and media librarians should become more aware of these emerging practices to support the video abstract publication and creation needs of their research communities.
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    A Framework for Media Resources Support Program Development
    (Consortium of College & University Media Centers, 2010) Spicer, Scott
    While appreciation and uses of media resources in higher education continue to grow, so too have user expectations and the complexities of providing quality media services. Responding to this challenge requires deliberate media resources program development, but the literature is lacking in case studies documenting specific approaches. Accordingly, this article will describe the “Media Resources Support Framework” process and outcomes that have guided the University of Minnesota’s (Twin Cities) efforts to redesign our media resources program to better align with current campus needs.
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    Tech Expo: A Model for Emerging Technology Education for Library Staff
    (Journal of Library Innovation, 2012) Johnston, Lisa R; Spicer, Scott
    Emerging technologies, such as personal information management tools like Zotero, productivity software like Google Documents, and web-based API's and mashups are important resources for library staff development and productivity. To keep up with rap-id technological change, the University of Minnesota Libraries developed a staff educa-tion program on emerging technologies. Begun in 2009, the fun and interactive program called Tech Expo has been a success. This paper describes our approach and lessons learned. In recent years, emerging technologies and open source software have proliferated in higher education. In response to technological change at the University of Minnesota (UMN), the Libraries created a Technology Librarian position in 2006 with a focus on emerging technologies. However, it became clear that the growing need for training was not the job of a single librarian, but must be augmented with an emerging technologies program dedicated to staff education. (This is especially true at a large research institu-tion like UMN, with a staff of more than 300.) This article describes the creation and im-plementation of such a program in 2009.