Freight and Logistics E-News (2003-2017)
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This collection contains issues of Freight and Logistics E-News that were delivered electronically two or three times per year, from June 2003 to March 2017. It was facilitated by the Center for Transportation Studies.
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Item Freight and Logistics E-News March 2017 (Vol. 15, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2017-03) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles in this issue: Mobility, labor, and competitiveness drive discussion at annual freight symposium; Coda receives CTS distinguished service award; U of M researchers join new Freight Mobility Research Institute; Truck Parking Availability Study report published; CTS Catalyst stories: Transportation spending: How does Minnesota compare with other states?; Warning system aims to save lives in highway work zones; How can governments promote and prepare for automated driving?; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News November 2016 (Vol. 14, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2016-11) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles in this issue: Annual freight and logistics symposium scheduled for Dec. 2; Transportation bottlenecks loom as major issue for freight in Minnesota; Minnesota partners with neighboring states to improve traveler information; CTS Catalyst stories: What impacts will e-shopping and telecommuting have on our transportation future?, Smartphones have the power to transform transportation with a wealth of new information, In the gray area of speed laws, enforcement can spark controversy; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News April 2016 (Vol. 14, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2016-04) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles in this issue: Annual symposium addresses Minnesota’s freight and logistics challenges; MFAC meeting marks the start of a new era for freight in Minnesota; CTS hosts freight transportation tour for Minnesota legislators; Forum examines role of freight rail in Minnesota economy; U of M study finds higher crash risk for truckers with untreated sleep apnea; ‘New logistics’ will change the way goods are delivered—and how the road network is used; Alternative fuels will help shape Minnesota’s transportation future; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News November 2015 (Vol. 13, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2015-11) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles in this issue: Freight & Logistics Symposium coming Dec. 4; Researchers analyze freight infrastructure with new National Freight Economy Atlas; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News August 2015 (Vol. 13, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2015-08) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles in this issue: Freight & Logistics Symposium scheduled for Dec. 4; MFAC plans strategic changes to better serve state and freight industry; $30 million available to government entities for transportation economic development; Transportation drives growth of industry clusters; Study reveals how Minnesota industries rely on transportation; Transportation and supply-chain decisions play a key role in reducing carbon emissions; Tech notes: Gleanings from the Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Technology Exchange; FHWA ‘Talking Freight’ seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News December 2014 (Vol. 12, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2014-12) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles include: Minnesota Statewide Freight Summit held Dec. 5; October MFAC meeting focuses on statewide freight and rail plans; Researchers demonstrate automated truck parking availability system; Logistics clusters: Delivering value and driving growth; Researchers examine the role of freight rail in Minnesota’s economy; Researchers identify truck bottlenecks along Twin Cities’ freight corridors; FHWA ‘Talking Freight’ seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News March 2014 (Vol. 12, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, 2014-03) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles in this issue: Capacity issues challenge the freight industry; Automated system helps truckers find safe places to park; Pilot study seeks manufacturers’ perspectives on transportation system; New U of M program to explore transportation policy and economic competitiveness; New pilot program to help suppliers reduce greenhouse gas emissions; MAFC annual meeting, Apr. 22–25; FHWA ‘Talking Freight’ seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News November 2013 (Vol. 11, No. 3)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2013-11) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles include: 17th Annual Freight and Logistics Symposium scheduled for Dec. 6; October MFAC meeting focuses on freight infrastructure; Freight transportation aids state's economic competitiveness; Researchers look to hydrous ethanol to improve efficiency and reduce emissions of diesel engines MAFC Best Practice Series webinars; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News September 2013 (Vol. 11, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2013-09) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles include: 17th Annual Freight and Logistics Symposium scheduled for Dec. 6; Freight and economic competitiveness forum planned for Sept. 20; Freight scenario planning workshop highlights industry challenges; Study examines ways to accommodate trucks in roundabouts Prevailing multi-lane roundabout designs; CSCMP-Twin Cities Roundtable events; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News May 2013 (Vol. 11, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2013-05) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles include: New energy sources mean big changes for freight industry; March MFAC meeting zeroes in on the growing economy; MnDOT freight scenario planning workshop planned for June 13; Highly obese truck drivers have higher crash risk, according to research; 'Friend' a package, save the planet?; Students and employers find opportunities at annual career expo; CSCMP Twin Cities Roundtable events; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News December 2012 (Vol. 10, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2012-12) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles Include: 16th annual Freight and Logistics Symposium scheduled for Dec. 7; 2013 Transportation Career Expo: Call for exhibitors; October MFAC meeting focuses on southeastern Minnesota freight issues and innovations; TIMTC webinar on truck parking scheduled for Dec. 6; CSCMP Twin Cities Roundtable events; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News July 2012 (Vol. 10, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2012-07) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles include: Symposium explores effects of economic change on freight transportation; June MFAC meeting focuses on the role of transportation in economic development; Designing smart supply chains: Saif Benjaafar; MnDOT hosts the 2012 Mid-America Freight Coalition annual meeting; CSCMP-Twin Cities Roundtable events; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News November 2011 (Vol. 9, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2011-11) Center for Transportation StudiesArticle include: 15th annual Freight and Logistics Symposium scheduled for Dec. 2; Study analyzes factors that predict crash risk for truckers; Computer vision system for truck stop parking receives FHWA grant; Research explores benefits of distance-based fees for trucking industry; Portable weigh station for rural roads debuts at MnROAD; Transportation Club Expo scheduled for Mar. 20; CSCMP Twin Cities Roundtable events; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News March 2011 (Vol. 9, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2011-03) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles include: 14th annual Freight & Logistics Symposium proceedings: Sustainability and the bottom line; NSF symposium looks at carbon footprint of supply chains; New resources; CSCMP Twin Cities Roundtable events; PIANC USA calendarItem Freight and Logistics E-News November 2010 (Vol. 8, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2010-11) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles include: 14th annual Freight and Logistics Symposium scheduled for Dec. 3; Freight-related research featured at recent MFAC meetings; TRB mid-year meeting includes multi-modal freight corridor and waterways track; Comprehensive statewide freight and passenger rail plan includes high-speed service; CSCMP Twin Cities Roundtable upcoming events; Transportation Club Expo scheduled for Mar. 22; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News March 2010 (Vol. 8, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2010-03) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles include: Effects of recession likely to linger as economy recover; Research analyzes freight traffic between Minneapolis-St. Paul and Chicago; Researchers use computers to help find parking spots at truck stops; Freight committee discusses rail plan, economic outlook, and legislative agenda; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminars; Transportation Club Expo scheduled for Mar. 23; CSCMP Twin Cities Roundtable events; PIANC USA calendar; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News November 2009 (Vol. 7, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2009-11) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles Include: Symposium to explore transportation-related aspects of economic recovery; U of M study of truckers finds those with higher IQs make wiser economic choices; On-road evaluation of 2010 compliant diesel-e mission control system; CSCMP Twin Cities Roundtable upcoming events; Transportation Club Expo scheduled for Mar. 23; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminars; More news and informationItem Freight and Logistics E-News March 2009 (Vol. 7, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2009-03) Center for Transportation StudiesArticle Include: Energy uncertainties affecting supply chains in the Upper Midwest; Panels discuss impact of economic crisis on freight business; Murphy keynotes Finnish logistics event; CSCMP Twin Cities Roundtable upcoming events; Transportation Club Expo scheduled for March 24; Recently published freight-related research from TRB; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminarsItem Freight and Logistics E-News October 2008 (Vol. 6, No. 2)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-10) Center for Transportation StudiesArticle Include: 12th annual Freight and Logistics Symposium scheduled for Dec. 5; Sorel shares vision for Mn/DOT at MFAC quarterly meeting; Freight experts discuss innovative strategies and alternative fuels; Transportation Club Expo scheduled for March 24; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminarsItem Freight and Logistics E-News March 2008 (Vol. 6, No. 1)(Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-03) Center for Transportation StudiesArticles Include: 11th Annual Freight and Logistics Symposium proceedings published; Freight Performance Measure Systems (FPMS) System report published; Recently published freight-related research from TRB; U of M supply-chain management program scheduled for November 2008; Transportation Club Expo 2008 scheduled for April 7, 2008; FHWA 'Talking Freight' seminars