The NEP Era: Soviet Russia 1921-1928: Volume 02 (2008)
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The NEP Era: Soviet Russia 1921-1928
Charles Schlacks, Publisher
Idyllwild, California, USA
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Item Communists vs. Clerics: the Smolensk Choral Synagogue, the Khislavichi Rov Shtibel Synagogue and the NEP Antireligious Campaign(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Hickey, Michael C.Item Zinoviev: Populist Leninist(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Lih, Lars T.Item Petitioners and Their Discontents: The Lost Generation of the 1920s(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Harry, Elizabeth A.Item The NEP Era Vol. 2 Editor's Statement(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Pogorelskin, AlexisItem Zinoviev Re-Examined: Comments on Lars Lih’s “Populist Leninist”(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Black, T. ClaytonItem Book Review of "Music for the Revolution: Musicians and Power in Early Soviet Russia"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Kowalsky, Sharon A.Item Book Review of "Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1923-1939"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Hickey, Michael C.Item Book Review of "Vladimir Lenin: vybor puti: biografiia"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Lih, Lars T.Item Book Review of "Pervaia “ottepel`”: Nepovskaia Rossiia v 1921-1928 gg: voprosy ideologii i kultury"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Wurzer, GeorgItem Book Review of "Piggy Foxy and the Sword of Revolution: Bolshevik Self-Portraits"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Black, T. ClaytonItem Book Review of "Intimate Enemies: Demonizing the Bolshevik Opposition, 1918-1928"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Monty, ChristopherItem Book Review of "Russian Baptists and Spiritual Revolution, 1905-1929"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Stellwagen, Benjamin J.Item Book Review of "Under the Influence: Working-Class Drinking, Temperance, and Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1895-1932"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Allen, Barbara CItem Book Review of "Stalin: A New History", "Politicheskaia biografia Stalina. Vol. 1: 1879-1924" and "Young Stalin"(Charles Schlacks, 2008) Pogorelskin, Alexis