Random Magazine
Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/268395
Random Magazine was a monthly student magazine that succeeded the Ivory Tower. In the first issue, published in October of 1969, the editor addressed the change in publication:
"...Seventeen years ago, the Minnesota Daily began publication of the Ivory Tower Feature Edition, a special weekly edition in a magazine format. Intended as an experiment, the Ivory Tower was designed to provide a medium for artistic and literary expression as well as for the significant news of the University community…
… This year, it was decided that experimentation should end, and that the best features of the Tower, along with new ideas and goals, be incorporated into the publication of a new magazine.
As the successor to the Ivory Tower, Random Magazine has as its goal the creation of a responsive medium for the demonstration of the thoughts and talents found at the University of Minnesota. Its theme is variety; its purpose is to entertain and enlighten…” - The Editor (Random Magazine, October 1968; PDF pg. 2)
The publication was short-lived: eight (8) issues were published between October 1969 and May 1970. At a September 14, 1970 meeting of the Board in Control of Student Publications, it was voted not to approve funding for the continuation of the magazine. Printing costs and rising inflation were cited as the cause (“Random Magazine is victim of rising prices,” The Minnesota Daily, September 29, 1970, PDF pg. 10).
"...Seventeen years ago, the Minnesota Daily began publication of the Ivory Tower Feature Edition, a special weekly edition in a magazine format. Intended as an experiment, the Ivory Tower was designed to provide a medium for artistic and literary expression as well as for the significant news of the University community…
… This year, it was decided that experimentation should end, and that the best features of the Tower, along with new ideas and goals, be incorporated into the publication of a new magazine.
As the successor to the Ivory Tower, Random Magazine has as its goal the creation of a responsive medium for the demonstration of the thoughts and talents found at the University of Minnesota. Its theme is variety; its purpose is to entertain and enlighten…” - The Editor (Random Magazine, October 1968; PDF pg. 2)
The publication was short-lived: eight (8) issues were published between October 1969 and May 1970. At a September 14, 1970 meeting of the Board in Control of Student Publications, it was voted not to approve funding for the continuation of the magazine. Printing costs and rising inflation were cited as the cause (“Random Magazine is victim of rising prices,” The Minnesota Daily, September 29, 1970, PDF pg. 10).