David Arendale
Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/200356
At the University of Minnesota, I serve as an Associate Professor in History & Higher Education and Manager of the Educational Opportunity Association (EOA) Best Education Practices Clearinghouse. My home academic department is Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education and Human Development. I teach an undergraduate global history course and conduct workshops for educators to embed best practices of student engagement, enrichment, and academic support. The EOA Clearinghouse identifies, validates, and disseminates best practices to increase persistence and academic achievement of historically underrepresented students.
My scholarly work is expressed through four research projects: (a) academic access, developmental education, and learning assistance; (b) learning technologies; (c) postsecondary peer cooperative learning groups; and (d) Universal Design for Learning. These are not mutually exclusive to each other since effective practices often are found at the crossroads of these four projects. A central theme is improving academic success of historically underrepresented students.
We do not need to "reinvent the wheel" regarding best education practices. Instead, we must effectively communicate what already exists to others. I welcome your thoughts and comments about my work and would enjoy the opportunity to collaborate. Take care, David Arendale (arendale@umn.edu; http://Arendale.org)
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Item 2020 Draft course-based learning assistance best practice guides (3rd ed.)(2020-01-01) Arendale, DavidCourse-Based Learning Assistance (CLA) is defined as peer cooperative learning assistance that accompanies a specific targeted course to serve as a supplement for that course. While many CLA activities operate outside of the course, CLA is integrated into the course by some instructors. Other CLA programs are hybrid or totally online. These guidelines are applicable to national and international CLA program models have been implemented at thousands of postsecondary and tertiary institutions in more than thirty countries (a) Emerging Scholars Program, (b) Peer-Led Team, (c) Structured Learning Assistance, (d) Supplemental Instruction, and (e) Video-based Supplemental Instruction). When using the CLA Guides, it is not expected that administrators of campus CLA programs implement every “essential” and “recommended” practice listed in this guide. Some “essential” practices are not relevant to a particular type of CLA program. Limitations of campus budget, personnel, and available time make other “essential” practices difficult to implement. “Recommended” practices are simply practices that some CLA program administrators have found helpful. Therefore, those practices have been separated from the “essential” ones. For simplicity’s sake, all the practices have been divided into these two categories. Some “recommended” practices could be categorized as aspirational, something to pursue if there is sufficient budget, personnel, and time to implement. The bottom line is that the purpose of the guides is not to judge existing programs, but rather to provide guidance and practices that could increase their effectiveness and efficiency. In addition to their use for academic study groups, these guides may be useful for faculty members to incorporate learning activities and pedagogies into their courses. The administrative and education best practices in this publication have been reviewed and approved by multiple members of an external expert panel of qualified reviewers. Educators need to investigate these education practices to discover effective learning practices that can be adapted and adopted for use in supporting higher student achievement, closing the achievement gap, increasing persistence to graduation, and meeting the needs of culturally-diverse and historically-underrepresented students. Updates to this set of guidelines are available at https://www.arendale.org/peer-learning-resourcesItem 2020 Draft glossary of essential terms for learning assistance and developmental education (4th ed.)(2020-01) Arendale, DavidThe purpose of this glossary was to identify and describe education practices that improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income, first-generation, and historically-underrepresented college students. Keeping current with the rapid changes in the field of developmental education and learning assistance is essential. Words make a difference in policy discussions and the practical guidance of campus activities. The rapid changes in learning pedagogies, delivery systems for courses, and language use evoke strong emotions for many within the profession, including those involved with this glossary. It may not be our choice to change, but this glossary is our response to the rapidly–morphing landscape of postsecondary education, our field in particular, and the larger society in which we live. In this fourth edition of the glossary, one area that has been significantly expanded is vocabulary related to culturally sensitive pedagogies that emerged during the 1980s and 1990s. Examples of these include: critical literacy, critical pedagogy, cultural competence, cultural differences, cultural literacy, cultural sensitivity, culturally relevant pedagogy, culturally responsive pedagogy, culturally sustaining pedagogy, inclusion, inclusive pedagogy, multicultural developmental education, multicultural education, and social justice. The second new area in this edition are approaches for offering the curriculum other than the traditional academic term-length developmental-level course. Examples of these include accelerated developmental-level course, acceleration, acceleration through curricular redesign, acceleration through mainstreaming, college access, compensatory education, compressed developmental-level course (or skills instruction), contextualization or contextualized learning, co-requisite paired course, course redesign, differentiated placement, embedded academic support, emporium-style model, flipped classroom, gateway course, Gateways to Completion®, guided pathways, integrated reading and writing, modular instruction, non-course competency-based option (Texas), nontraditional model (Texas), stacked course, stretched course, and students as partners. The third area for glossary expansion are those related to academic integrity and intellectual property rights. These were written in a more accessible style than the formal definitions from law reference works. Technologies such as text scanners, photocopiers, printers, and downloadable files from the Internet have made it easier to make mistakes with use of copyrighted instructional materials both for use in the classroom as well as placement on the Internet for use by others. Examples of these terms include attribution of intellectual property, copyright, copyright infringement, Creative Commons licenses, ethical standards, inadvertent use of copyrighted material, instructional materials, intellectual property use copyright, liability exposure, literary property, literary property use copyright, plagiarism, professional liability coverage, open access, open educational resource (OER), and public domain. A fourth significant change for this edition is its scrupulous avoidance of deficit and less acceptable language to describe students. In this edition, asset-based language is used to reflect accurately our students and their capabilities. Throughout history, it is words and phrases have been replaced by newer ones. The older words become less acceptable since they can lead to misinterpretations or have become by today’s standards of usage as inaccurate or perceived by others as discriminatory or racist. This glossary does not make judgements of the authors using those terms. Popular and professional literature is filled with those phrases. However, we move forward with recommended language that is more accurate, affirms student capabilities, and avoids offense to others. Examples of these deficit and less acceptable language includes academically underprepared student, college-level student, developmental student, diverse student, high-risk student, majority or minority student, person/student of color, remedial student, and special population. (Method) The sample for the glossary is based on the previous three editions of the same glossary with new terms added with this document. The glossary terms have been reviewed and approved by multiple members of an external expert panel of qualified reviewers. All of them have served as administrators of their campus developmental education and learning assistance programs. Their practical experiences and keen insights have made this set of glossary terms invaluable in the rapidly changing nature of postsecondary and tertiary education. We owe much to the dedication and expertise of the authors, editors, and external review teams of the first three editions of this glossary. [This directory is a revised and expanded version of ED589760.]Item Best practices of developmental education for academic advisors, student services personnel, and classroom faculty members(Austin Community College of Austin, TX, 2011-10) Arendale, DavidThis keynote address explained how best practices of developmental education could be applied with academic advisors, student services personnel, and classroom faculty members. These faculty members are those that teach college-level first-year courses for academic credit. The entire faculty needs to be involved in embedding best practices of developmental education within their curriculum and pedagogy to promote higher academic success for all students.Item The challenging road ahead: Learning assistance in the 21st century(College Reading and Learning Association, 2008) Arendale, DavidIn this keynote talk, I identify opportunities for increased service of learning assistance to support student academic achievement. Throughout the talk, I illustrate my points by sharing case studies of highly successful learning assistance programs operating across the U.S. The speech was delivered at the national conference for the College Reading and Learning AssociationItem EOA best practices clearinghouse directory 2019 (5th ed.)(Educational Opportunity Association, 2019-12-31) Arendale, DavidThe purpose of this directory was to identify, describe, and evaluate evidence that the education practices improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income, first-generation, and historically-underrepresented 6th grade through college students. (Method) The sample for the directory was derived from TRIO and GEAR UP professionals located in the upper Midwest region that are affiliated with the Educational Opportunity Association (EOA). EOA and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota created a clearinghouse to disseminate evidence-based practical activities and approaches to improve success of students who are low-income, first-generation, and historically-underrepresented in education. http://besteducationpractices.org The administrative and education best practices in this publication have been reviewed and approved by multiple members of an external expert panel of qualified reviewers. Each practice has been approved as promising, validated, or exemplary based on the level of evidence supporting it. The rigorous standards applied during the review process are similar to previous national evaluation efforts by the U.S. Department of Education (Results) The approved education practices of this 570 page directory represent each of the five major federally-funded TRIO and GEAR UP programs: (a) Educational Talent Search, (b) Upward Bound, (c) Educational Opportunity Centers, (d) Disability Services, (e) Student Support Services, (f) Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement,; and (g) GEAR UP, The directory is arranged by the following topical areas: (a) Academic Advising and Counseling [Advising Syllabus, Academic Improvement Plan, Academic Advising Management System, Podcasting Academic and Career Counseling for Post 9/11 Veterans, and Student Academic Needs Assessment]; (b) Academic Support [Integrated Learning Course for Entering SSS College Students, Tutoring for Students with Disabilities, Tutor Training and Professional Development, Structured Study Hall Days at College Campus by UB Students, and PAL Group Tutoring Program Training Manual]; (c) Assessment and Evaluation [Post Assessment Evaluation Tool for EOC Programs]; (d) Career Exploration [Senior College Experience for UB Students]; (e) Coaching Students [Coaching TRIO Students and Peer Coaching Handbook]; (f) College Tours and Field Trips [Emergency Field Trip Contingency Plan, and Planning Effective College Tours for High School Students]; (g) Curriculum [High School Financial Literacy, Integrated Approach to First Year College Experience, Summer Enrichment Program Curriculum for Middle School Students, and McWrite: Developing Scholarly Writing Skills]; (h) Disability Services [Access College Today Program]; (i) Global Studies Curriculum and Tour Procedures [Horizons Study Abroad Experience, Evaluation Tools for a Study Abroad Program, Procedures for a Study Abroad Program, and Creating Global Experiences for First-Generation and Limited Income College Students]; (j) Orientation Programs [Right Start to College Seminar for Adult Learners]; and (k) Policies and Procedures [Educational Talent Search Policies and Procedures Handbook. (Implications) Rather than looking to others for solutions, the federally-funded TRIO and GEAR-UP grant programs have the expertise needed to solve vexing problems with student success. These programs are incubators of best education practices that can be implemented elsewhere. Detailed information is provided about the education practice purposes, educational theories that guide it, curriculum outlines, resources needed for implementation, evaluation process, and contact information. Educators need to investigate these education practices to discover effective learning practices that can be adapted and adopted for use in supporting higher student achievement, closing the achievement gap, increasing persistence to graduation, and meeting the needs of culturally-diverse and historically-underrepresented students. (Additional Materials) Appended to the directory are: (1) Profiles of TRIO and GEAR UP Programs with Best Practices; (2) EOA Clearinghouse External Expert Panelists; and (3) Procedures for Evaluation of Submissions to the EOA Clearinghouse. [This directory is a revised and expanded version of ED589760.]Item Incubators for Student Leader Identity Emergence(Springer Nature, 2021) Arendale, David, RToo often student services have become a provider of discrete assistance in which one-way information transactions take place between the staff/student paraprofessionals providers and the students receiving the services. Students attend academic advising appointments, listen during tutorial or small groups study meetings, and read computer screens of information during career exploration sessions. Transactions seldom lead to transformations of engagement, identity, and deep learning for the students who provide or receive the service. Student leaders involved in student services, Students as Partners partnerships, student organizations, and athletics experience unanticipated personal and professional growth. Case studies from Australia, Belgium, Indonesia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States display global connections among common themes of co-curricular learning events from such rich environments. This chapter provides a conceptual model for an ecosystem of leader identity emergence that can be effective in a variety of student activity venues and recommendations to be more intentional in fostering growth.Item Lessons learned in 2020 about postsecondary online peer assisted learning (PAL) groups from previous research publications and recent survey of PAL program administrators(2020) Arendale, David R.This publication identifies lessons learned from moving traditional face-to-face peer study groups to online operation. Two sources were consulted. First, previous publications concerning online peer study groups were studied to identify approaches, equipment and software used, and reports of effectiveness. Second, during May 2020 administrators involved with managing peer-assisted learning (PAL) programs were invited to complete an online survey concerning their experiences with operating online in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. (Methods) The individual actions, activities, and approaches recorded in the publications and the 45 surveys were broken into individual units which results in nearly 800 individual pieces of data were created and then they were reorganized into themes and topics for this report. (Results) This data analysis made the identification of best practices more clear since the frequency of them was identified. Eight major themes were identified. (Implications) Lessons have been learned from past experience with offering student-led peer study groups online that can increase the success of students with higher grades and higher rates of persistence towards graduation. It is likely that many or most institutions will begin the fall academic term online and these lessons will be valuable not only for academic assistance, but also with instruction and other student services.Item Postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs: Annotated bibliography 2019(2019-12-31) Arendale, DavidThis 2019 annotated bibliography reviews seven postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs that have been implemented nationally and internationally to increase student achievement. An extensive literature search was conducted of published journal articles, newspaper accounts, book chapters, books, ERIC documents, thesis and dissertations, online documents, and unpublished reports. Peer learning programs in this bibliography meet the following characteristics: (a) program must have been implemented at the postsecondary or tertiary level, (b) program has a clear set of systematic procedures for its implementation at an institution, (c) program evaluation studies have been conducted and are available for review, (d) program intentionally embeds learning strategy practice along with review of the academic content material, (e) program outcomes include both increased content knowledge with higher persistence rates, and (f) program has been replicated at another institution with similar positive student outcomes. From a review of the professional literature, 1,568 citations emerged concerning seven programs that met the previously mentioned selection criteria: "Accelerated Learning Groups" (ALGs), "Emerging Scholars Program" (ESP), "Peer Assisted Learning" (PAL), "Peer-Led Team Learning" (PLTL), "Structured Learning Assistance" (SLA), "Supplemental Instruction" (SI), and "Video-based Supplemental Instruction" (VSI). Nearly one fourth of the entries in this bibliography are from authors and researchers outside of United States. Guidance is provided to implement best practices of peer learning programs that can improve academic achievement, persistence to graduation, and professional growth of participants and facilitators of these student-led groups. The literature reports not only positive outcomes for the student participants of such programs, but includes outcomes for the student peer leaders of these academic support programs such as skill improvement with leadership, public speaking, and other employment skills along with an impact of their future vocational choices including a career in teaching at the secondary or postsecondary level. Educators need to investigate these peer learning programs to discover effective learning practices that can be adapted and adopted for use in supporting higher student achievement for students of diverse backgrounds. [This annotated bibliography is a revised and expanded version of ED565496, ED545639, ED489957, ED574832, and ED586988]Item What is a best education practice?(2010) Arendale, David“Best education practices” is one of the most important, misunderstood, and misused concepts in education. I have been working with others for nearly two decades regarding the identification, validation, and dissemination of these practices. I define Best Education Practices as a wide range of individual activities, policies, and programmatic approaches to achieve positive changes in student attitudes or academic behaviors. This umbrella term encompasses the following categories that differ on the level of evidence supporting desired student or institutional outcomes: promising, validated, and exemplary.