Civios Podcast
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In-depth discussions of the story behind the public affairs research by academics affiliated with the Humphrey School.
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Item Episode 1: Investigating Potentially Unlawful Death: the Minnesota Protocol(2017-01-25) Frey, Barbara; Conners, KateIn this podcast, Barbara Frey, director of the Human Rights Program in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota, discusses The Minnesota Protocol. The Minnesota Protocol was – and remains – a ground-breaking piece of work with significant impact. However, the time is ripe for revision, to take account of developments in both international law and forensic science. As a key UN text providing guidance on the practical implementation of the duty to protect life and the obligation to investigate potentially unlawful deaths, its updating will ensure its continuing relevance over the coming decades. In a number of resolutions, the UN Commission on Human Rights called for such a revision (also later referenced by its successor, the Human Rights Council).Item Episode 2: Public Funding for Energy Research and Development(2017-01-30) Chan, Gabriel; Conners, KateEffective decision making to allocate public funds for energy technology research, development, and demonstration (R&D) requires considering alternative investment opportunities that can have large but highly uncertain returns and a multitude of positive or negative interactions. In this podcast, Gabriel Chan, assistant professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, explores the utility of applying new methods to improve the cost-effectiveness and environmental performance in a deliberative approach to energy R&D portfolio decision making.Item Episode 3: Predatory Criminal Justice Practices(2017-02-07) Soss, Joe; Conners, KateIn March 2015, Americans learned from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) that the city of Ferguson, Missouri had been operating a "predatory system of government." Police officers were acting as street-level enforcers for a program—aggressively promoted by city officials—in which fines and fees were used to extract resources from poor communities of color and deliver them to municipal coffers. In this talk, Joe Soss, professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, argues that what the DOJ discovered in Ferguson should not be seen as anomalous, either in relation to U.S. history or contemporary American governance. Based on an ongoing book project with Joshua Page, Soss offers a political analysis of the origins, operations, and consequences of revenue-centered criminal justice practices that have grown dramatically in the U.S. since the 1990s. Under this policy regime, local governments and market firms draw substantial revenue streams from fine-centered policing, court fees, bail systems, prison charges, civil asset forfeiture, and much more.Item Episode 4: U.S. History of Immigration and Deportation(2017-03-17) Lee, Erika; Conners, KateAs new policies relating to immigration, border enforcement, refugee resettlement, and deportation are being implemented, in this podcast we talk to the director of the Immigration History Research Center, historian Erika Lee, about the origins of U.S. immigration policy and their relevance today.Item Episode 5: Jordan's Youth: The Effects of the Syrian Refugee Crisis(2017-04-17) Assaad, Ragui; Conners, KateIn this podcast, Ragui Assaad, professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, looks more deeply into the needs of Syrian youth refugees in Jordan and the social underpinnings of unrest.Item Episode 6: The Limited Prospects for International Tax Cooperation(2017-04-25) Kudrle, Robert; Conners, KateThe recent pace of international agreement aimed to reduce tax evasion and avoidance was completely unpredicted prior to the financial crisis. The two targets are often considered to be merely different dimensions of the same problem, but they are largely different problems. In this podcast, Robert Kudrle, Orville and Jane Freeman Chair in International Trade and Investment Policy at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, explores the two problems and the prospects for success in solving them.Item Episode 7: Intimate Partner Violence in Colombia(2017-04-25) Friedemann-Sanchez, Greta; Conners, KateIn 2008, Colombia expanded legislation addressing women's human right to live a life free from violence. The prevalence of intimate partner violence in Colombia is one of the highest in Latin America. In this podcast, Greta Friedemann-Sanchez, associate professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, explores the complexity of implementing the 2008 legislation given Colombia's institutional organization and the context of the conflict.Item Episode 8: Minnesota Model for Investment in Early Childhood Education(2017-07-19) Rolnick, Art; Conners, KateIn this podcast, Art Rolnick, senior fellow at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, discusses his work to advance multidisciplinary research on child development and social policy as well as the Minnesota Model, a research based approach for investing early to promote the success of our most vulnerable children and families.Item Episode 9: Influence of Occupational Licensing and Regulation(2017-11-02) Kleiner, Morris; Conners, KateIn this podcast, Morris Kleiner, professor in labor policy at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, discusses the policy implications of occupational licensing and regulation in the United States. Occupational licensing has been one of the fastest growing labor market institutions in the United States since World War II. While evidence from the economics literature suggests that licensing has had an important influence on wage determination, benefits, employment, and prices, there are no clear benefits to consumers.Item Episode 10: Examining Racially Concentrated Areas of Affluence in the US(2017-12-13) Goetz, Ed; Conners, Kate"Contemporary federal housing policy in the United States has largely focused on racially segregated areas with high levels of poverty, known as racially concentrated areas of poverty (RCAPs). In this podcast, Ed Goetz, professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, examines the other side of this dynamic—concentrated areas of white affluence. Goetz, director of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, discusses his work to identify and understand racially concentrated areas of affluence (RCAAs). ""When we started our study, we were actually responding to advocates for low income communities who maintained that this single-minded focus on their communities problematized their communities, stigmatized their communities, and ignored the other half of the segregation formula—which is of course the ability and tendency of white people to seclude themselves into neighborhoods,"" says Goetz. ""So we tried to look at the other side of the coin."""Item Episode 13: All-city Carbon Emissions: Understanding City Types and Impact(2017-12-21) Ramaswami, Anu; Conners, KateIt is common practice to consider the carbon emissions of single cities. But what happens when you analyze carbon emissions for all cities in a country using nationally aligned data? In this podcast, Anu Ramaswami, professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, discusses how all-city analysis can reveal “city types” that help inform carbon policy and action.Item Episode 11: Local Health Co-Beenfits of Urban Climate Action(2017-12-21) Ramaswami, Anu; Conners, KateReducing carbon emissions across multiple urban infrastructure sectors can yield significant local air pollution related health co-benefits. But cities will see and experience these co-benefits in different ways and to different degrees. In this podcast, Anu Ramaswami, professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, discusses the emerging science around how to connect global carbon reduction actions to city-specific health outcomes.Item Episode 12: Circular Economies and Low-Carbon Urban Infrastructure Planning(2017-12-21) Ramaswami, Anu; Conners, KateWhat is the unique role that urban infrastructure planning can play in national carbon mitigation? In this podcast, Anu Ramaswami, professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, discusses how cities are positioned to plan infrastructure systems using circular economy principles that reduce material and energy reuse across sectors to deliver a low-carbon future.Item Episode 14: Sex Trafficking and Community Wellbeing(2018-01-26) Martin, Lauren; Conners, KateIn this podcast, Lauren Martin, director of research at the Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC) and affiliate faculty member of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, addresses sex trafficking and commercial sex, defining their differences and dispelling myths. When it comes to the relationship between sex trafficking and mega sporting events, an issue that drew increased attention as Minnesota prepared to host the big game, Martin notes that "it's not that there's no impact, it's that the impact is akin to any large event."Item Episode 15: Economic Impacts of US Immigration Policies(2018-01-30) Allen, Ryan; Conners, Kate"Impeding the path of immigrants—throwing up roadblocks that allow immigrants to come to the United States—is going to create some real economic problems in the future," warns Humphrey School of Public Affairs Associate Professor Ryan Allen. In this podcast Allen discusses the potential economic impacts of immigration policies in the United States and Minnesota, focusing on the role of immigrants in the workforce and the resulting net fiscal effects. "We're actually losing more of our native born residents than we're gaining," says Allen. "More people tend to leave the state of Minnesota than move here from other states. And so, we're going to have to rely on international immigrants. If instead of increasing the flow of international immigrants we're reducing it, that's going to have an enormous impact on our labor force, and potentially, a large impact on the kinds of economic growth we expect in the state."Item Episode 16: Financing Urban and Rural Infrastructure(2018-04-26) Zhao, Jerry; Conners, KateInfrastructure is not often at the forefront of policy discussions until something goes wrong, says Jerry Zhao, associate professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and director of the Institute for Urban and Regional Infrastructure Finance. Zhao's research explores how federal, state, and local entities pull together the resources to fund critical infrastructure investments in areas such as transportation, water, and education. These investments are complex. They typically involve big money, multiple decision makers, and have uncertain long-run benefits. To help address this, Zhao stresses the importance of using infrastructure finance research to inform policy makers of possible problems and solutions before issues arise.Item Episode 17: Violence and Restraint: Making Strategic Decisions During Civil War(2018-05-31) Stanton, Jessica; Conners, Kate"Does civil war always lead to violence against civilians? The short answer is no, according to Jessica Stanton, an associate professor in the global policy area at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Stanton's research has found that more than 40 percent of the civil wars between 1989 and 2010 did not involve large-scale attacks on civilians. ""We haven't paid enough attention to the fact that not all civil wars involve violence against civilians,"" she says. So why do some governments and rebel groups engage in violence against civilians while others exhibit restraint? ""Both violence and restraint can be strategic,"" Stanton says. Understanding why some groups avoid targeting civilians may help policymakers incentivize groups to exercise restraint. Stanton is the author of Violence and Restraint in Civil War: Civilian Targeting in the Shadow of International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2016)."Item Episode 18: Abortion Reform Under Latin America's Leftist Governments(2018-07-19) Ewig, Christina; Conners, KateResearch in the United States and Europe has found that when leftist governments come to power there tends to be a liberalization of policies around reproductive rights. But is this true in other parts of the world? Work by Christina Ewig, professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and faculty director of the Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy, investigates how the rise of leftist governments during Latin America's "pink tide"(1999-2018) influenced abortion policies in the region. Unlike in the US and Europe, Ewig's findings suggest that the success of progressive reform under leftist governments in Latin America also depends on the type of political party in office.Item Episode 19: Advancing Roadway Safety in American Indian Reservations(2019-01-14) Quick, Kathy; Conners, Kate"Nationally, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury for American Indians aged 1 to 44 and their motor vehicle death rate is higher than for any other ethnic or racial group in the United States. To better understand these high fatality rates, Humphrey School of Public Affairs Associate Professor Kathy Quick and University of Minnesota researcher Guillermo Narváez conducted an in-depth study of roadway safety on American Indian reservations. Four case studies were carried out in partnership with tribal governments in Minnesota: the Red Lake Band of Chippewa, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. Researchers collected extensive data from the reservations through fieldwork observations, interviews with key stakeholders, focus groups with expert drivers, and in-person surveys of residents. They also collaborated with the Federal Highway Administration to design and analyze results of the 2016 Tribal Transportation Safety Data Survey, a national online survey with responses from 151 representatives of tribal governments and 45 representatives of state governments. Of the five high-priority concerns the researchers identified, one in particular stood out: the safety of pedestrians on tribal lands. "Item Episode 20: Access to Paid Family and Medical Leave in Rural Minnesota(2019-01-27) Fitzpatrick, Debra; Conners, Kate"Providing access to paid family and medical leave is especially important in rural areas of Minnesota according to a new research report by Debra Fitzpatrick, co-director of the Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy (CWGPP) at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Current federal law allows eligible employees to take unpaid time off to care for themselves, a sick family member, or new child. But many workers, especially in rural communities, can’t afford to forego their paycheck. In this podcast, Fitzpatrick discusses different policy designs that would ensure access to paid family leave for Minnesota families, employers, and communities. ""I like to think this research is going to help make Minnesota's legislation the very best in the country in terms of ensuring rural access for both employers and for workers,"" she says. Fitzpatrick's research builds on a larger study of paid family and medical leave insurance completed by the CWGPP and partners for the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development in 2016. "