Special Reports
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Item A Primer on Limnology(1975-03) Lundquist, John B.Limnology is the scientific study of inland waters, including lakes, ponds, and rivers. In this day of widespread social concern over the impact of human activity on natural environments, limnology is becoming an increasingly important practical science. Private and public decisions based on the best available limnological information will be necessary if we hope to protect, manage, or restore the quality of lakes and other waters.Item The Relationship of Lakeshore Development to Lake Morphometry in South Central Minnesota, An Examination of the 1961-1971 Trends and the Projected Effects on the 1970 State Standards and Model Ordinances(Water Resources Center, 1978) Masterpole, D.; Bargsten, B; Braaten, D; Quade, H.W.Item Five-year water resources research and development plan:Goals and objectives, 1982-1986.(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1980-11) Waelti, John J.; Helmberger, John M.The Five-Year Water Resources Research and Development Plan was prepared on request of the U.S. Dept. of Interior, Office of Water Research and Technology to fulfill a Congressional mandate. The exercise has been extremely useful in giving the Water Resources Research Centers an opportunity to examine, restate and update their goals and objectives to prepare a program for each state for the immediate future.Item The Impact of Erosion Control Structures on the Water Quality of the Cobb River in Blue Earth County, Minnesota.(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1984-03) Davidson, Mark J.This study provides a baseline investigation of the impact of erosion control structures on water quality of a receiving body in Blue Earth County, South Central Minnesota. To assess this impact, three were monitored and compared for water quality (PO 4-P, NO3-N, TKN, turbidity, flow, conductivity) during the 1982 ice-free period.Item A Survey of Water Quality in USDA Agricultural Ponds within Blue Earth County, South Central Minnesota.(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1984-03) Ruotsinoja, Shawn P.Item Experimental Acidification of Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin:Baseline studies and predictions of lake responses to acidification(University of Wisconsin, Water Resources Research Center, 1985-12) Brezonik, P.L.; Baker, L.A.; Detenbeck, N.; Eaton, J.G.; Frost, T.M.; Garrison, P.J.The experimental acidification of a two-basin lake in northern Wisconsin is described. Background studies on the lake began in 1983, and the lake basins were separated by a vinyl curtain in August 1984; acidification of the north basin began in spring of 1985.Item Minnesota Water: A Geographical Perspective(Water Resources Research Center, University of Minnesota, 1986-05) Gersmehl, Carol; Drake, Janet; Brown, DwightItem Directory of water resources expertise in Minnesota Universities and Colleges(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center., 1987-04)Item Minnesota drought.(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1987-05) Swerman, Rodney R.; Baker, Donald G.; Skaggs, Richard H.Drought is an ordinary and expected part of the climate of any location. However, there are a few measures of drought and often it is difficult to recognize when a drought has begun and when it has ended. In the United States, the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)is the most commonly employed measure of drought. Examination of the averages and variability of the PDSI is needed to draw conclusions about the temporal and geographic patterns of drought over Minnesota is to be drawn.Item File structure design and data specifications for water resources geographic information systems(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1987-06) Brown, Dwight A.; Gersmehl, Philip J.Item Modeling soil water variability(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1987-06) Bakovic, Ivo L. Lopez; Nieber, John L.This report demonstrates the process of simulating the temporal and spatial variability of soil water.Item Twin Cities surface water simulation modeling demonstration(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1987-06) Anderson, Kevin L.; Corbett, John D.; Dunning, Nicholas P.; Gresmehl, Carol A.; Greene, Richard P.; Gersmehl, Philip J.; Brown, Dwight A.This report looks at how a water-resources geographic information system (GIS) and computer program can simulate runoff from storm events.Item Relationship between climate and the mean annual flow of the Mississippi River at St. Paul(University of Minnesota Water Resources Research Center, 1987-06) Skaggs, Richard H.; Brown, Dwight A.This study demonstrates the use of the simulation of water balance for large areas. It examines the statistical relationship between the mean annual flow of the Mississippi River at St. Paul and the water balance surpluses (water not used in evapotranspiration and soil moisture storage) for the six climatological divisions of Minnesota that contribute to the drainage of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers in Minnesota.Item Bear Creek surface water simulation modeling demonstration.(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center. Special report 13., 1987-06) Anderson, Kevin L.This report summarizes a test of the interface between existing computer models and water-resource data in Minnesota's current geographic information system.Item A Program to Exchange ERDAS and EPPL7 Data files.(University of Minnesota Water Resources Research Center, 1987-06) Anderson, Kevin L.; Scheer, Bradley W.This report is the documentation and user manual for a FORTRAN-77 computer program to convert geographic information system (GIS) files and satellite data between ERDAS image analysis system and EPPL7 GIS file formats.Item Crop production response to moisture supply in Minnesota.(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1987-06) Brown, Dwight A.; Gersmehl, Carol A.; Drake, Janet; Skaggs, Richard H.The purpose of this report is to define how variations in moisture affect state-wide crop production. To accomplish this goal we controlled geographic variations in the response of crops to changing technology, and regional differences in the severity and timing of wet and dry periods. The regional differences from local norms or unexpected values. Technology changes are controlled by subtracting the general trend in yield from the actual yield technology.Item Water supply issues in the metropolitan Twin Cities area: Planning for future droughts and population growth, summary of a workshop, October 25, 1988.(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1988) Brezonik, P.L. (editor)The severe drought of 1988 focused attention on water supply concerns in the metropolitan Twin Cities area....Six panels addressed these issues at the workshop in the following order: 1. Surface and groundwater resources of the region ; 2. Climate trends and regional precipitation patterns ; 3. Water use patterns in the metro area ; 4. Water uses and user interests in the Mississippi Headwaters region ; 5. Legal issues concerning water transfers and regulation of Headwaters reservoirs and 6. Alternative water supply possibilities for the metro area.Item Minnesota water and sewer rates revisited.(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center., 1988-10) Easter, K. William; Mold, M.L.; Waelti, John J.Item Groundwater research needs in Minnesota:Summary of workshop sponsored by the Water Resources Research Center(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1989-09)Item Review of lake management in Minnesota(University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center, 1990-02) Baker, Lawrence A.; Swain, Edward B.Lake management practices in Minnesota included holistic Clean Lakes Projects, extensive remedial methods to control excessive phytoplankton and macrophyte growth, and fisheries improvement projects.