Welcome to public health moment from the University of Minnesota. Adolescents are eating more fast food today than they did in the late 1990s. And as kids move from middle school to high school, the rate increases dramatically. That's according to new results from the project at research study at the University of Minnesota. Researcher Katherine Bauer has more among those moving from middle to high school, the percentage of adolescents fast food three or more times a week increased an amazing amount. It practically doubled. We also found that men, males, as they moved from high school into young adulthood also increased the amount of fast food they were eating. And the number who were frequently eating fast food increased among high school age adolescents, those in 2004 were eating much more fast food and fast food more frequently than high school students in 1999. So what can parents do? Bauer offers advice. I would start with providing a home and family environment that offers adolescents a lot of opportunities for healthy eating. Having fruits and vegetables, readily available as snacks, offering family meals. All of those things can go a long way in instilling healthy long term eating patterns and adolescence for John Finnegan and public health moment. I'm Mark Anka Brison.